Search Results for “disney” – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

In WW2 Disney Made These Gas Masks for Children


During World War II, anticipating potential chemical attacks on American soil, the U.S. government collaborated with Walt Disney in 1942 to design a Mickey Mouse-themed gas mask to alleviate children’s fear of wearing such equipment. Continue reading »

This Creator Generates AI Posters For Horror Movie Adaptations By Disney

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When generative image AI became publicly available, people couldn’t stop asking, “What if?”—and this creator joined the curiosity. Their concept, imagining Disney reimagined as horror movie adaptations, offers a glimpse into a darker, eerier Disney universe that strangely feels right, even if it remains a fantasy. Continue reading »

Turning Real-Life Pets into Disney Characters: The Magical Art of Alessia Ciullo


If you’re searching for a unique way to capture the essence of your beloved pet, allow us to introduce you to Alessia Ciullo. Hailing from Italy, this talented artist specializes in creating cute portraits of various adorable creatures in the iconic Disney style. From dogs to lizards, Alessia possesses the magical ability to transform any real-life animal into a whimsical Disney character. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Illustrations Of Disney Characters Meeting The Actors From Their Movie Adaptations


Ema Rajabova is an artist with a great passion for Disney. She creates a lot of fan art, but one of her projects draws our attention the most. She has united the characters from movies and cartoons in one drawing in a way that it seems like they met up in the same universe. Continue reading »

Artist Modernizes Disney Characters By Placing Them In All Sorts Of Interesting Scenarios

While some are sworn haters of everything Disney, most of us enjoy a good Disney theme here and there. And then there’s a vast number of Disney fans that love everything related to it. Continue reading »

Artist Reimagines Disney Characters As Famous Classical Paintings And Pop Culture References

Many of us know the most popular classical paintings—well, at least what they look like. Sadly, fewer know the names of the paintings and of the painters who created them. With this in mind, this artist decided he would do something to make people more interested in classic art. Continue reading »

A Horror–mad Seven-Year-Old Girl Has Ditched Disney Princesses to Recreate Scenes from Gory Films Such as The Exorcist and Chucky

Pint-sized Coral DeGraves has modelled as over 60 characters from some of the most iconic horror films with the help of her mum, Cheyenne. The schoolgirl became obsessed with horror films when she was just two and Cheyenne was surprised to find she’d prefer Chucky to Cinderella. Continue reading »

Artist Inserts The Legendary Grumpy Cat Into Disney Movies

Bella No

Though there are many cats on the internet, there are a few as memorable and impactful as Grumpy Cat, the internet phenomenon who dominated the internet with her hilarious disdain in 2012 and onwards. Sadly, the cat left us in May of 2019, and she was mourned not only by her family, but seemingly the whole internet. Continue reading »

Behind-The-Scenes Pics Of Disney’s Famous Scenes

Have you ever wondered what happens in the backstage of Disney movies? Andhika Muksin is back on Bored Panda to show you just that. He creates hilarious edits of Disney movies so that we can see the behind the scenes of famous scenes and how they were “actually made.” Continue reading »

Guy Edits Disney Characters Into His Photos And The Result Looks Like They’re Having A Blast

Many of us as children or maybe even as adults imagined what it would be like if we joined our favorite fictional characters on their adventures on the other side of the screen or if they jumped out of it and infiltrated our everyday life. Continue reading »

Artist Places Iconic Horror Characters Into Classic Disney’s Mickey Mouse Cartoons

Whatever your age is, we all loved Disney growing up and feel pretty nostalgic about it, but when you look back at the cartoons from the past, there is something oddly creepy about them. Continue reading »

Artist Shares Her Journey Of Expecting A Baby By Drawing Disney Princesses Going Through Pregnancy

Artist Anna Belenkiy is a freelance digital artist who is experiencing pregnancy for the first time. She decided to share her journey with her followers using Disney Princesses and some hilarious everyday moments of what it’s like being pregnant as part of her project “Real-life Princesses.”

Celebrating first moments

“Mulan and Shang Lee decided to celebrate super romantic Valentine’s Day, but the upcoming baby warrior had a different plan for their romantic date. This illustration was inspired by my baby’s first kicks.” Continue reading »

If Disney Characters Played In Popular Movies And TV Series By Alex Pick

Alex Pick brings Disney back in the most unexpected ways. Last time, the German artist, known to his 123k followers on Instagram as apicollodraws, ‘humanimalized’ Disney’s universe by turning our favorite animal characters into humans and the other way around in his spot-on illustrations. Continue reading »

Disney Characters ‘Humanimalized’: Artist Turns Animal Characters Into Humans And Humans Into Animals

Disney characters are distinct and special. They have their own style, aesthetic, and personal traits, which is why they’re so memorable. But let’s take a detour from the canon and ask ourselves “what if something was a little different about them?” What if, for example, Bambi was a human being, and Cruella de Vil was a dog herself? What would they look like then? Continue reading »

Teach Yourself to Draw with The Help of The Man Who Influenced Walt Disney, 1913

“In drawing from this book, copy the last diagram, or finished picture, of the particular series before you,” advises American artist E.G. Lutz (August 26, 1868 — March 30, 1951) in the introduction to his first book What To Draw and How To Draw It (1913). Continue reading »

“Disney Lockdown”: Artist Creates A ‘Realistic Disney’ Series Where He Imagines Famous Characters Living In 2020

“When You’re Social Distancing But Need To Curse A Newborn Baby Asap”

We tend to romanticize Disney characters. We see them as someone to look up to. But what if becoming just like them was way easier than we think? What if they were just like regular people with regular quirks, regular mannerisms, and regular problems? That’s the question that Indonesian Photoshop artist Andhika Muksin (previously) is answering by inserting Disney princes and princesses into real life and imagining what would happen. It’s time to take our rose-colored glasses off. Continue reading »

Russian Artist Reimagines Disney Princesses As Moms With Babies

Russian artist Oksana Pashchenko is pretty well-known amongst Disney fans, but that’s not only because she is a lifelong Disney fan herself. With over 68k Instagram followers, the artist mostly posts Disney-related content that is a fresh take for the eyes. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Funny Illustrations of The Backstage Of Disney’s Famous Scenes

Have you ever wondered what happens in the backstage of Disney movies? Andhika Muksin is back on Bored Panda to show you just that. He creates hilarious edits of Disney movies so that we can see the behind the scenes of famous scenes and how they were “actually made.” Continue reading »

This New Snapchat Filter Makes Your Dog Look Like A Disney Character

For ages now, the spotlight has been on all of Disney’s princesses and a number of protagonists from the various animated series and movies that Disney has created over the decades. Continue reading »

Dutch Illustrator Transforms Pets Into Adorable Disney Characters

Fan of Disney animation productions and friend of animals, the Dutch illustrator Isa Bredt had the good idea to use her talents to sublimate the pets that share our lives. Continue reading »

This Artist’s Disney Paintings Look Better Than Disney Movies Themselves

Looking at these magical Disney scenes it’s hard to believe that these are actual paintings and not digital illustrations. They’re the work of American artist Thomas Kinkade, who was the master of chiaroscuro, a painting technique using light and dark contrasts to create a sense of drama and the illusion of volume. That’s why it looks as though your favorite childhood characters could come alive any second and step through the painting to greet you. Continue reading »

Stunning Photos Show What Disney Princesses Would Look Like If They Were African American

Hairstylist LaChanda Gatson decided to redefine the image of a traditional princess in a stunning photo series that showcase elegant, colorful and brave African American princesses. Continue reading »

Florida Man Arrested Trying To Quarantine On Abandoned Disney Treasure Island, And That’s What This Island Looks Like From The Inside

The 42-year-old said he didn’t hear numerous deputies searching the private island for him on foot, by boat and by air because he was asleep in a building. He told the deputy he didn’t know it was a restricted area, despite there being numerous “no trespassing” signs. Continue reading »

To Warn On Ecological Disaster, French Artist Prefers To Have The Message Carried By Disney Characters

In his drawings, French illustrator Baptiste Drausin, aka The Baptman delivers an updated version of the famous films, bringing environmental issues to the fore. We can see Mary Poppins drowned in a cloud of pollution, the Little Mermaid strangled by plastic waste or even Bambi in a completely decimated forest… Tinged with sadness, these illustrations break the fate of these iconic characters to raise awareness of the urgency to act for the planet. Continue reading »

This Retired Cabinet Maker Goes Viral For Making Broken And Weird Furniture That Belongs In Disney Movies

Woodworking is a tough skill to master. It requires plenty of patience, knowledge, the right tools, and, of course, lots of practice. Once you can get a hold of the basics, you’re ready to bring the weirdest creations of your imagination to life. And it doesn’t matter whether you just enjoy looking at intricately made wood items or you’re interested in learning the craft yourself—you’ll appreciate the works of a woodworker named Henk Verhoeff, who’s guaranteed to inspire you. Continue reading »