Search Results for “monsieur plant” – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Think Nature – The New Vegetal Creations of French Designer Monsieur Plant


After his amazing project Just Grow It!, the vegetal sneakers, here is a selection of the latest creations of the French artist and designer Christophe Guinet, aka Monsieur Plant, based in Marseille, and his poetic nature-oriented projects. Continue reading »

“Back To The Nature”: Artist Combines Everyday Objects With Plants To Create Intriguing Sculptures And Installations

Christophe Guinet, known as Monsieur Plant, is a French artist who creates intriguing and unique sculptures and installations of plants and other organic materials. He masterfully brings them together with everyday objects, making unique works of art. Guinet was born in Paris, but spent his adolescence between the city and the countryside, where he developed a strong interest in the world of plants, which became his passion and work. Continue reading »

Old Apple Products Turned Iinto Plants

Christophe Guinet, aka Monsieur Plant, transforms old Apple products into vegetal compositions. His work denounces technological waste and pollution by mixing fun and art. Continue reading »