heroic – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Soft and Steel: The Heroic and Fantasy Paintings of Julie Bell


Julie Bell is an American fine artist, illustrator, photographer and bodybuilder. Bell is a fantasy artist and a wildlife painter. Continue reading »

Heroic and Fantasy Pin-Up Female Portraits by Kyu Yong Eom

The amazing science fiction and fantasy themed artworks of Kyu Yong Eom, a concept artist and digital illustrator based in Seoul, South Korea. Continue reading »

“The Final Fantasy”: The Superb Heroic Artworks of Christian Angel

Christian Angel‘s work is the ability to reproduce the style of classic JRPGs such as Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem. He will take this graphic and make it his own to pay tribute to different characters from Japanese productions. The result is crazy and Christian’s reinterpretation is clearly worth a look! Continue reading »

A Badass “Heroic Girls In Movies” Scratch Off Poster

Watch one of the hand-picked movies, then you (or your favorite tween or teen) can scratch it off.

Timothy and Aurélia Sanders of Curious Charts have created a wonderfully badass “Heroic Girls in Movies” scratch-off poster that features 46 illustrated heroines of the silver screen. The artistic duo wanted to inspire their young daughter with examples of strong females who can think, fight and be unapologetically proud of who they are. Continue reading »