Love. Protect. Cripples: Stunning AI Artworks by Ümüt Yildiz
Ümüt Yildiz, a lecturer of Creative Coding in Design at Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, has been exploring artificial intelligence in Cologne and Berlin since 2018. Continue reading »
Gunther Von Hagens’ Fascinating Animal Plastinates at the Cologne Zoo
Experience curious creatures at Cologne Zoo from April 15 to September 30! Plastinator Dr. Gunther von Hagens and curator Dr. Angelina Whalley present their unique exhibition BODY WORLDS of Animals in the famous cathedral city for the first time. Young and old zoo- visitors can join an unforgettable anatomical safari in the multipurpose hall of the tropical house and in the rhino house. Shown are 20 spectacular whole-body plastinates plus an impressive variety of single specimens, slices and plastinated organs of elephant, giraffe, bear, gorilla, horse, ostrich and many other animal species. An adventure in biology seen up close – much more vividly than any anatomy book! Continue reading »