demons – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Created Dark Tarot Deck Featuring Creepy Creatures And Demons


According to Shawn Coss: “It’s been 4 years in the making but I’ve finally finished my first-ever complete tarot deck featuring my dark and twisted style. I wanted to create my own vision of a tarot deck featuring humanoid creatures and demons that could be used for tarot readings. I launched a Kickstarter for the whole 78-card deck on September 1st.” Continue reading »

Darth Vader and the Underworld: Kevin Cassidy’s Brutal and Infernal Demons


Kevin Cassidy is a 3D artist from the U.S. and the chief character developer at Roundhouse Studios. Continue reading »

How Do the Inhabitants of Hell Fare? Sant V. Schreiber’s Infernal Portraits of Demons

The artist Sant V. Schreiber has found his thing and follows his guideline clearly: he paints portraits of demons. Sometimes as if they were customers and intend to look as imposing as possible in the picture. Continue reading »

Medieval Visions of Hell, Satan, Demons And Cabbalistic Signs From A 1775 Compendium Of Horrors

These are Visions of Hell, Satan and Demons according to the Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros, 1775 – (translation: “A rare summary of the entire Magical Art by the most famous Masters of this Art.”) Continue reading »

Sleeping With The Devil: A Weird And Wonderful Collection Of Medieval Bedroom Hijinks With Creatures From Hell

The Conception of Merlin – Histoire de Merlin, France (Poitiers), 1450-1455. BNF, Français 96, fol. 62v

The Middle English Prose Merlin at Cambridge University Library MS Ff.3.11, apparently written near the middle of the fifteenth century, not long before Thomas Malory was composing Morte D’Arthur, is thought the earliest piece of Arthurian literature written in English prose. Continue reading »

The Eerie Costumers Of Japan’s Night Parade Of One Hundred Demons

Japan and cosplay go hand-in-hand, so it’s no surprise that every year the gigantic Halloween celebration in Shibuya yields a mass of creative costumers. An often overlooked celebration in Kyoto, however, offers just as as impressive -and possibly more terrifying-assembly of costumes. Continue reading »

“Angels And Demons”: The Superb Digital Concept Art Of Peter Mohrbacher

Peter Mohrbacher, a concept artist and illustrator working in San Francisco, is best known for his work on Magic: The Gathering, and is the Art Lead for Dragons of Atlantis. Continue reading »

Exercise Your Demons: Funny And Delightful Illustrations By Randyotter


“Hello from Aaron Jay aka Randyotter! I am not sure where this will show up so forgive me if it goes somewhere ridiculous. I would love people to come check out my work and hopefully leave me some comments or feedback and of course sales would be great! Let me know what you all think people. Here is my Facebook Fan page.” Continue reading »