disco – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Death On The Dance Floor”: Photographer Captured Stunning Photos Of Abandoned Discos Around France

Eric Tabuchi lives and works in Paris. He photographs buildings in France that are now abandoned ruins. Once the authentic venues of their age, these buildings will one day vanish. As a set, Eric’s photographs form a map of France’s vernacular and diverse architecture – we’ll be looking at his images of abandoned petrol stations and follies after these photos of former discotheques. The names of these discos spirit you away – La Tour de Londres, Le Spinx, Memphis, Palm Beach and, of course, Paradise. So ‘let’s all have a disco’, as the England football fans sang at World Cup Italia 1990. It’s where the beautiful people go to see and be seen. Continue reading »

Disco Truck: A Cement Mixer Transformed Into A Giant Disco Ball

Transforming a building site into a nightclub? The French artist Benedetto Bufalino has unveiled an amazing creation, turning a cement mixer into a giant disco ball. This installation entitled Disco Ball Cement Mixer appeared a few days ago in the streets of Lyon, projecting sparks of light on all the buildings around it. Continue reading »

Started As A Mistake, Retired Gym Teacher Wore The Same Disco-Era Outfit For 40 Years Of Yearbook Portraits

Retired gym teacher Dale Irby posed for his first yearbook photo back in 1973 at Prestonwood Elementary school in Dallas, Texas. The next year, completely by accident, Irby wore the exact same outfit. Continue reading »

A Disco Party in the Middle of Africa


American photographer, David Pais visits Burkina Faso in West Africa every year. Once a week, the local villagers gather to drink and party together and David’s photos share this unusual cultural experience with all of us.
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Disco Inferno: South Africa’s AfrikaBurn Desert Festival

AfrikaBurn brings the spirit of California’s famous Burning Man to Tankwa Karoo national park in South Africa – complete with crazy outfits, surreal art installations and all-night parties. Photos by Jonx Pillmer. Continue reading »