expedition » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
expedition – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Explorer’s Stunning Photographs of The Arctic Sun from 100 Years Ago

Donald Baxter MacMillan (November 10, 1874 – September 7, 1970) was an American explorer, sailor, researcher and lecturer who made over 30 expeditions to the Arctic during his 46-year career. He pioneered the use of radios, airplanes, and electricity in the Arctic, brought back films and thousands of photographs of Arctic scenes, and put together a dictionary of the Inuktitut language. Continue reading »

Rare And Amazing Photographs From The First Australasian Antarctic Expedition Between 1911-14

Cavern carved by the sea in an ice wall near Commonwealth Bay, circa 1912

In 1911 a group of scientists and adventurers left Hobart under the leadership of Dr Douglas Mawson. They were bound for Macquarie Island and the then unknown parts of Antarctica. Continue reading »

Arctic Expedition Discover Mysterious Hole Cut Into The Ice


Looks uncannily like a scene from the movie “The Thing” but in fact this gigantic hole was recently been discovered by an Arctic expedition in Siberia. Continue reading »