Graphic Designer Captures Pantone Hues Across Landscapes and Cities
Today, I would like to offer you the opportunity to observe how graphic designer Andrea Antoni (previously featured) interprets the world through the use of Pantone colors. Everyone has a different point of view on the world. Continue reading »
Valery Slauk’s Magnificent Creepy Folk and Mythological Artistry
Valery Slauk, a celebrated Belarusian artist, specializes in book art and easel graphics, particularly employing the etching technique. His work delves into Slavic mythology, crafting captivating worlds that blend literary inspiration with boundless imagination. Continue reading »
Graphic Designer Created Digital Collages On Life As A Small Business Owner
Helen Garfield owns a marketing and graphic design agency and is also a graphic designer. Through her artwork, she hopes to portray the experience of being a solopreneur. Helen elucidates the marketing and technology obstacles that company owners have while trying to grow their internet presence. Continue reading »
Beyond Words: Eleonora Capodiferro’s Visual Diary of Love and Misunderstandings
Italian graphic designer Eleonora Capodiferro visualized the emotions she feels when communicating with a loved one in different situations. For example, “What I feel when you yell at me” or “What emotions I feel when you say you love me.” Continue reading »
Talented Polish Illustrator Ada Zielińska Blends Contemporary and Retro Styles in Her Art
A Polish illustrator and graphic designer, Ada Zielińska is a talented individual. Using a variety of styles, she combines contemporary aesthetics with the sentimentality of the 1970s and 1980s in her work. Continue reading »
Designer George Bokhua Creates Stunning Minimalist Graphic Signs and Logotypes
Illustrator and graphic designer George Bokhua is based in New York and is well-known for his minimalist design aesthetic. He has become well-known for his minimalist and contemporary approach to design, frequently using strong typography, straightforward shapes, and a small number of colors in his works. Continue reading »
Logo Artist Redesigns Iconic Brand Logos
According to Kwaku Amprako, an independent graphic designer, and logo design specialist: “I am a Graphic Designer based in London, my home for the past 20+ years. Since the start of my career, I have provided logo design and identity services. I have a deep passion for all things simple and modern. I pride myself in producing quality work for my clients. Continue reading »
The Superb Modern Graphic Design by Kushagra Gupta
Kushagra Gupta is a graphic designer and visual artist, living in India, who loves nature and that’s always a starting (and ending) point for a lot of his artworks. Continue reading »
The Superb Modern Grpahic Design and Typography Experiences of Mattia Cacciatore
Mattia Cacciatore is an Italian graphic designer. Below you will find examples of his graphics and typography in the post-design style. He is currently the art director of Saatchi Italy. Continue reading »
The World of Modern Graphic Design & Typography by Kyle Kemink
Kyle is a 23-year-old graphic designer, photographer and digital artist based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Having studied at The Open Window, followed by a two-year stint at Grid Worldwide, Kyle lost his job during the 2020 pandemic. Since then he’s been freelancing full time and creating from home. Continue reading »
Human Psychology and The Tiny Struggles of Everyday Life in Beautiful Artworks of Esra Gülmen
Esra Gülmen is a Turkish visual artist and designer based in Berlin and member of ADC Germany. After studying interior design and working as an academic in the department of Fine Arts at Marmara University, Istanbul, she moved to Germany and started working as an art director and designer at the creative company Ogilvy, spending four years as a Head of Design in the Berlin office. Continue reading »
“Open Your Eyes”: The Superb 3D Post-Design Aesthetics by Gerardo Garcia
Gerardo Garcia a young Mexican creative, self-taught in 3D modeling, who is currently studying design. Continue reading »
“21st Century Acid”: The Modern Graphic Design by Garth Chong
Garth Chong, a graphic designer from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is one of the leading names in modern meta-design. Continue reading »
This Artist Creates The Modern Post-Typographic Universe
Today I have another example of modern post-typography from an anonymous artist called AG. @anonima.grafica on Intsangram. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information about him. But that doesn’t stop us from enjoying modern typographic forms. Continue reading »
“Honey and the Duality of Everything”: The Design Experiments of Tabitha Swanson
Tabitha Swanson is a Berlin-based multidisciplinary designer, filter creator and creative technologist hailing from Canada. Her designs create a surrealist dreamscape with her avatar design taking influence from sci-fi video game characters. Continue reading »
The New Aesthetic of Graphic Design and Typography by Daan Rietbergen
Daan Rietbergen is an Utrecht based independent graphic designer and artist specialized in visual identity, poster design and typography. Continue reading »
“Exodar”: The Superb Dark Graphic Design Experiments of Tom Arena
Tom Arena is an allround creative from Geneva, Switzerland. He’s mostly known for his motocross and rave influenced graphic design work on Instagram. Continue reading »
Jess Ebsworth Wants Her Trippy Illustrations to “Transport You to Somewhere New and Exciting”
From posters for a cult ramen supper club to creating “The Garden of Weeden”, the illustrator tells us about her dreamy briefs. Continue reading »
“Time Fragments”: Constructivism in Graphic Design and Illustrations by Vladimir Hadzic
Vladimir Hadzic is a graphic designer and aspiring illustrator currently living in Belgrade. Guided by clean and colorful graphic forms, his current creative process mostly consists of digital work in forms of illustrations, posters and animations. Continue reading »
“Slow Down and Draw”: The Colorful Graphic Design Works of Ailish Beadle
Ailish is a Norwich based illustrator who creates light-hearted drawings packed with small details and bold colours that provide an original, playful and considered twist on a concept. Ailish wishes to create work based around events and advertising where colour can thrive. Continue reading »
“Always Moving Under the Surface”: Organic Typography by Alex Ortiga
Alex Ortiga was born on February 21, 1993 in Gemona del Friuli. He grew up in Udine, where he graduated as a computer expert in 2012. During the S.Y. 2009-2010 he obtained the Adobe Photoshop Certification, and he soon started to work as graphic designer. Continue reading »
“Root of All Evil”: The Haunting Graphic Design of Album Covers by IDLEMYND
“I’m Adam (AKA IDLEMYND©), a graphic artist born in ‘91 and raised in the South of England, UK. I’ve worked for 7+ years professionally in the graphic design industry and now specialise independently in the sub-sectors of music and urban fashion. Continue reading »
Incredible Typography Works of Jordan Metcalf
Jordan Metcalf is a South African graphic designer based in Portland, Oregon and one of our very special guests for this year’s edition. He has a strong focus on diverse, experimental custom lettering and identity design. Jordan was awarded the ADC Young Gun in 2013 and he’s our proof to the world that if you can dream it, then you can definitely do it. Continue reading »
“Don’t Trust the Truth”: The Superb Graphic Design Works of Sebastian Onufszak
Sebastian Onufszak is an award-winning illustrator, designer and art director based in Augsburg, Germany. After successfully finishing his studies in communication design, the member of the Art Directors Club worked as Creative Director and Art Director for several design and animation studios from 2001 up until 2009. Continue reading »