knitted » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
knitted – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

These Hand-Knitted Sweaters Will Make You “Disappear” In Public Places

We‘re used to the popular opinion that clothes are often designed to make people stand out from the crowd. Not in this case though. Continue reading »

Stupefying Hand-Knitted Hammock Is Suspended


Andy Lewis, an avid slackliner who once performed in a Super Bowl Halftime Show, envisioned the ‘Mothership Space Net Penthouse’. A spider-web-like hammock, this intricate art-piece took 50 people three days to complete. Hand-knitted from 14,000 feet of colorful cordage, the suspended net is the result of a joined effort between people who share a love for big doses of adrenaline.
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Adorable Knitted Hats for Winter Fall

These fashionable knit hats will keep you warm this winter – or make great gifts.
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