skaters » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
skaters – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Daredevil Motorized Roller Skates From the 1960s


In 1956, the Motorized Roller Skate Company of Detroit began manufacturing self-propelled skates. The company was established a year earlier by Antonio Pirrello, a relentless inventor hailing from Lincoln Park, Michigan. Continue reading »

HIlarious Photos Of Ice Skaters’ Funny Faces At Winter Olympics

Photographs of figure skaters caught mid-jump at the Winter Olympics show the hilarious effects gravity has on their faces. Continue reading »

Venice Beach Roller Skaters: Cruising The Promenade Of LA’s Chillest Neighborhood

Photo © by Waring Abbott / Getty Images

Originally founded in 1905 as an independent resort town lined with picturesque canals (complete with gondolas!), Venice, California, was annexed by the city of Los Angeles in 1926 but gradually fell into disrepair and neglect. Considered almost a seaside slum, Venice’s cheap bungalows soon attracted artists, musicians and other creative countercultural types. In addition to its laid-back and bohemian atmosphere, Venice boasts a pristine length of sandy beach, along which runs a paved promenade — perfect for rollerskating. Continue reading »