tetris » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
tetris – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Butts on Things: Humorous Doodle Illustrations of Brian Cook


Because everything looks better with a butt in Brian Cook’s collection of fun, offbeat illustrations, beers have rears, Tetris becomes Butris and balloons bear backsides. Continue reading »

Emergency Workers From Around The Globe Take Part In The ‘Tetris Challenge’!

Kantonspolizei Zürich

From Switzerland to Singapore, police, fire and ambulance departments are laying down their tools, and their bodies, to take part in a new craze. The so-called Tetris Challenge started September 1 when Zurich police published this bird’s eye image on social media. It captured two officers on the ground beside the contents of their car laid out in neat, geometric block patterns, like in the popular 1980s video game Tetris. Since then, public services units and enthusiasts from around the world have followed suit, photographing their work equipment in rows beside their vehicles. Continue reading »

Tetris Inspired Urban Furniture Turns Public Spaces Into Playgrounds

Open Code Urban Furniture – a construction set adaptive to the needs and wishes of different neighbourhoods. Instrumental in arranging a space for sharing (drawers installed). A series of open code urban furniture workshops are run in 4 Vilnius neighbourhoods in cooperation with the local residents. 4 furniture sets, 4 Vilnius neighbourhoods – and 4 different scenarios of use, to understand how public spaces and urban furniture work. The same basic set becomes different in each context. Continue reading »

Tetris Furniture

This furniture is based in the tetris game. Each piece is a part of the game and has a different function. By Diego Silverio.

Tetris Titles

Inspired by the world’s most popular game, comes the world’s most popular tiles.

No longer do you have to suffer looking at bathroom walls with no character. No longer do you have to hear the words Terracotta or Slate. No longer do you have to accept just one colour. Tetris Tiles puts the fun back into tiling. Ideal for use in Kitchens, Bathrooms, Bedrooms – any place that is worthy of colour and fun.