Vocabulary – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Someone Created Words To Describe Weird Things And Situations

According to The Cunning Linguist: “The English language is known for its richness and inventiveness. Well, I’m not impressed. Where’s the term for ‘a person who annoyingly laughs at non-funny things,’ ‘someone who’s always butt dialing you,’ or ’something that comes back to bite you in the a***’? I’ve solved that pressing problem. You’re welcome. If you like punny portmanteaus, there’s plenty more where these came from! If you don’t mind the odd sex joke. If that sounds like you, go to my Instagram. I also take requests!” Continue reading »

New Words That You Should Add To Your Vocabulary

When languages evolve, it’s essential that scholars and dictionaries and vocabularies keep up. Here are some 20+ new words that we all should start using. Continue reading »