volunteers » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
volunteers – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Ukrainian Rebuilding”: Double Exposure Photos Of Volunteers Helping Restore Ukrainian Villages


According to Andrii Denysenko: “In May, I joined the volunteers who have been helping rebuild villages of Chernihiv Oblast in Ukraine damaged by the Russian army. Around 15-20 volunteers go there twice a week. We have already restored more than 20 houses and helped about 150 families with materials for repair. Continue reading »

Intimate Portraits of Animal Shelter Volunteers Reveal a Heartwarming Bond

Photographer Jesse Freidin has spent the past year capturing the bond that’s shared between shelter volunteers and the animals they care for. “No one talks about the logistical aspects of pet adoption, or how it takes a huge toll on people doing this work,” Freidin told The Huffington Post. “These volunteers show up for free and carry the brunt of the work. They’re the ones who allow the animals to go through the system and they’re responsible for getting the animals adopted.” Rather than simply photographing these hardworking individuals for his Finding Shelter project, the artist also wanted to find out why they dedicate their time to such a cause. Continue reading »

Volunteers Yarn Bomb Downtown San Mateo

United American Bank volunteer Sharon Ingram, right, attaches a hand knit sweater around a tree on 3rd Avenue in San Mateo, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013. The Downtown Art Project paired vlolunteers from sponsor United American Bank with local artists to install the sweaters on 35 trees and saftey pylons along the road in downtown San Mateo. (John Green/Bay Area News Group) Continue reading »