warhammer » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
warhammer – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Warhammer and Brutal Berserkers: Stunning Illustrations by Karl Kopinski


Karl Kopinski is an English artist, famous primarily for his stunning illustrations for games and books on the Warhammer universe. Besides the Warhammer, Kopinski has drawn artwork for the card game Magic the Gathering and a whole bunch of other equally legendary projects – from Prototype to Sherlock Holmes games. Continue reading »

Trench Crusade: The Epic Bizarre Creatures of Mike Franchina

Mike Franchina is an illustrator from the U.S. who has worked for such major companies as Blizzard Entertainment, Runic Games and EA/Mythic Entertainment as a concept artist for a long time. Continue reading »

Warhammer-Inspired Playground Discovered in The Heart of Russia

When I was a kid, I couldn’t even dream of seeing such figures in person. But a certain sculptor has made dreams come true. These fantasy and nightmarish figures were discovered in a small village in the heart of Russia. Locals say that they are sometimes exhibited in local museums. Continue reading »

“The Morning Never Came”: Amazing Fantasy Illustrations By Adrian Smith

The awesome fantasy illustrations of Adrian Smith, a freelance illustrator, concept designer and comic book artist based in Edinburgh. Adrian’s drawing, character and figure work is just incredible, fantasy art doesn’t get any better than this. Adrian and Ian Miller are especially well known for their work in the early days of Warhammer and 40k in creating a dark serious atmospheric setting. Smith has illustrated cards for the Magic: The Gathering collectible card game. Continue reading »