Alan Moore » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Alan Moore – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Stories Hidden In Images: A Designer Has Created Book Covers Made Of Random Stock Photos

Alan Moore, the author of the comic V for Vendetta, noticed once that people tend to imagine their own lives as stories, and they browse them as in a movie – by rewinding to an appropriate moment.

The truth is that we are a narrative genre – we just love to listen and to tell stories. First, we listen to fairy tales read by parents and with time we start looking for new ones in books, comics and movies. We have an irresistible attraction to fictionalization – our minds create stories based on perceived images and thus, reveal our personalities and the power of imagination.

In PIXERS, we experience a boundless number of images and an equal amount of our clients’ stories every day. Sometimes, we get tired of such an overproduction and we try to exercise our imagination by assigning new unexpected meanings to the images that usually only flash in front of our eyes.

Below, you can see the effect of such an experiment: 10 book covers made of random stock photos by our graphic designer, and with fictional plots that I invented myself. Are these books new (imaginative) bestsellers?


For me, this image is a depiction of loneliness. I’ve imagined an elephant that is the last elephant on the planet after a nuclear disaster. He travels on a cloud of radioactive dust and dreams of meeting a soul mate… The title of this book would be “Atomic Elephant”. Continue reading »