doctor » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
doctor – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Full List of Affordable Doctors In America


The United States has one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world. US healthcare system is complex and most costs are market driven. Continue reading »

In 1908, a Doctor Used X-Rays to Highlight the Damaging Effects of Tight Corsets on a Woman’s Body


Ludovic O’Followell, a French doctor who in 1905 and 1908 published books on the effects of the corset on female health. O’Followell, however, had something that all the previous arguments and illustrations did not: he used a brand new technology to bolster his arguments. Continue reading »

This Guy Used An Old Samsung Monitor To Make A Legendary Plague Doctor Mask

Employees of the IT industry sometimes have to communicate with users. And they also need protection – like the legendary mask of the plague doctor, but with nuances. User of Pikabu social network used an old Samsung SyncMaster monitor to make this mask by himself. The result is amazing! Continue reading »

Meet The Russian Who Walks Around The City During The Coronavirus Pandemic – Dressed As A Plague Doctor

A man in the costume of a plague doctor walks along the Kaliningrad streets, a Russian exclave on the Baltic Sea. It is sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania along the Baltic coast. The people look at the tall, thin figure in black with surprise. Continue reading »

An Authentic 16th Century Plague Doctor Mask Preserved And On Display At The German Museum Of Medical History

This authentic 16th century plague doctor mask has been preserved over the years and is currently on display at the German Museum of Medical History in Ingolstadt.⁣ This was the first design of the Plague Doctor’s mask. During medieval Europe, there were two main theories of how diseases were spread and contracted: the Four Humors theory, and the Miasma theory. Continue reading »