Microbiology » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Microbiology – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Spectacular Winning Images of The Nikon Small World Photomicrography 2022

Nikon Small World is widely regarded as the leading forum for recognising the art, proficiency and photographic excellence involved in photomicrography, or the art of photography through a light microscope. Each year, the competition attracts hundreds of vivid pictures revealing details of a world unseen by the naked eye. Founded in 1975, this year’s entries numbered almost 1,300 and were drawn from 72 countries.

First place
Embryonic hand of a Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) (confocal, 63x objective lens magnification). Photograph: Grigorii Timin & Dr. Michel Milinkovitch/Nikon Continue reading »

Polish Scientist’s Incredible Photographs of Microscopic Creatures

Photographer Igor Siwanowicz took these incredible photographs of tiny creatures. Dr Siwanowicz, a neurobiologist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia, shows us the wonders of life in kaleidoscopic color. Continue reading »

Art in A Petri Dish: The Agar Art Awards 2020

Scientists from around the world submitted art grown in petri dishes for the American Society of Microbiology’s annual contest, which has announced the winners. Restricted access to labs broadened the remit, with traditional art on the beauty of microbes accepted for the first time.

First place in the traditional general category was awarded to The Gardener by Joanne Dungo, from Northridge Hospital Medical Center in Northridge, California. Continue reading »