news » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
news – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Uses Wind Dancers To Express Difficult Topics Like BLM Movement, Gun Violence, And Poverty In Her Stunning Paintings

Why Can’t You Just Pull Yourself Up

Whether you’ve seen them in movies or pictures, or seen them personally, you probably know what a wind dancer is. It’s a solemn, happy stick figure that flails about in the wind near a gas station or some dollar store. Continue reading »

Weekly Graphic News: Graphic Artist Illustrates One International News Each Week

Each week, ICS D illustrates one international news. A fern able to take selfies, the possibility for women to access to command posts in the Indian army, the legalization of the cannabis growing for personal use in Italy… Since October 2019, this artistic director and illustrator based in Bucharest, Romania, dissects the news around the world in order to illustrate the “news that can’t be pictured”. Continue reading »

40 Newspaper Headlines That Push The Limits Of Human Stupidity

Creating a good headline for an article is an art within itself. Just think about it: you basically have to describe your whole text using just one sentence. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t, and sometimes you produce such a mind-bogglingly dumb headline, that people still remember it 20 years later. Stupid newspaper headlines are never truly forgotten. Unfortunate wordplay, lazy editing and poor math – it takes some creativity to come up with headlines like that. Continue reading »