photoshopping » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
photoshopping – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Twitter User Had Fun Photoshopping Images Of Donald Trump Wearing Really Long Ties

So apparently someone is increasing Trump’s Ties. The recently created Twitter profile @TrumpsTies is taking over Twitter with manipulated images of Trump and his extravagant ties. Continue reading »

Anonymous Artist Is Photoshopping Kids Books, And The Result Is Hilariously


Mark March 11th on your calendar, for it is a day that will go down in history as the founding date of Paperback Paradise, “The world’s #1 used book store.” After the Berenst(E)ain Bears Conspiracy of 2015, it should come as no surprise that many of the books that you read in your childhood are not as you remember them. In particular, that their titles are radically different. Continue reading »

This is How Photoshop Artist Erik Johansson Creates His Mind-Bending Images

Swedish photographer and retoucher Erik Johansson is well known for his mind-bending photo-manipulations and optical illusions, which are all made with careful photography and Photoshopping. If you’re wondering how the images are actually created, Johansson has been regularly release behind-the-scenes videos showing his techniques. Continue reading »