smartphones » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
smartphones – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Smartphone Snaps Surprise in The 2021 Mobile Photography Awards

Winner – Water, Snow, Ice. ‘San Clemente’. iPhone XS Max

Roger Clay

Established in 2011, the Mobile Photography Awards is a unique contest; as much as chronicle of smartphone camera evolution as a celebration of the art of mobile photography. In its 10th year it presents an indisputable case for the power of modern mobile photography. Continue reading »

This Company Turns a Disassembled Smartphone Into Decor for Your Home

GRID is a company that has been selling framed electronic products for some time, and they all seem pretty cool. For Apple fans, they have pieces with the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, and the second-generation iPod touch. Continue reading »

Before Smartphones And Computers Kids Had Real Fun

Kids nowadays will just never understand. Continue reading »

20 Images Showing How Smartphones Have Taken Over Our Lives


You won’t find many people who are ready to admit just how much they depend on their smartphone, computer or tablet. But this is completely natural for the high-tech world we live in, you’ll say. Nevertheless, once in a while it’s worth facing up to the reality of what impact this dependency has on our lives.

The following images will help you do just that. Take a look. Continue reading »

Artist Removes Smartphones from Photos to Reveal our Obsession with Technology


The question of whether we are too obsessed with our technology is a topic that everyone seems to have an opinion on. Photographer Eric Pickersgill chimes in on the debate with Removed, a collection of photographs depicting how bizarre life would look if one simply removed all electronic devices from everyday scenarios. Through this series, he aims to demonstrate the obsessive preoccupation that society has with electronics and gadgets. Continue reading »

iblazr – the First Universal LED Flash for Smartphones and Tablets

Want to improve the quality of your pictures and videos? Tried to take a picture on iPad or other tablet in the evening and received a black square as a result? Want to shoot like a PRO on your smartphone? Or maybe your friend couldn’t see you on Skype when you are in poorly lit room? If you answer “yes!” to at least one question then iblazr is for you! Continue reading »