vechicle » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
vechicle – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Rhino: A Bizarre Experimental All-Terrain Vehicle, 1954

The bizarre amphibious four-wheeled vehicle called Rhino was designed by the Greek-American inventor Elie Aghnides. In the 1940s, Aghnides was watching a tractor laboring through New York City’s Central Park and figured he could combine the stability of a bulldozer with the speed of a car, and create an efficient, all-terrain vehicle. Continue reading »

Vintage Photos Of 12 Crazy Wooden Homes On Wheels From The Early 20th Century

There is no formal definition of a house car but in the early 1900s, Americans want to take to the roads and explore. Some creative Tin Can tourists decided that they’d rather bring their home with them rather than have the tent attachments on the sides of their Model T’s, so they built larger structures that resembled houses onto the frames and off they went. It really is the earliest example of what we commonly call a mobile home.

The superb bus of Ray Conklin, president of the New York Motorbus Company in 1915.

Mobile homes often look blocky and sterile, but these wooden houses look like gingerbread Victorian houses on wheels. Check out how people have hammered and sawed their own homes onto cars. Continue reading »