vitiligo » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
vitiligo – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Grandfather With Vitiligo Crochets Dolls To Make Children With This Condition Feel Better

Vitiligo is a long-term skin condition in which patches of the skin lose their pigment, becoming white with sharp margins. The disorder, which affects roughly 1-3 percent of the population, is otherwise harmless physically, but it can result in psychological stress and social stigma, as well as an increased sensitivity to the sun. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Dolls With Vitiligo For Kids With This Rare Skin Condition

Everyone wants to feel represented and looks like many artists nowadays are on a mission to make everyone feel included. Continue reading »

A Bullied Student With Vitiligo Is Celebrating Learning To Love Her Skin By Turning It Into Art

A bullied student with vitiligo is celebrating learning to love her skin by turning it into art making a world map, flowers and even a Van Gogh painting. Ashley Soto, 21, from Orlando in Florida, USA, has found turning her white patches of skin into art has empowered her and helped her to embrace her vitiligo. Continue reading »