werewolf – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Dog Muzzle Is Perfect To Scare The Hell Out Of Neighbors On Halloween

This dog muzzle makes your nice and friendly dog look like a snarling werewolf that’s about to take a chomp out of your neighbor’s butt, when in reality your dog is sitting calmly with it’s mouth shut, wondering why everyone around them is freaking out. Continue reading »

Meet the Lykoi: An Odd New Breed of “Werewolf” Cats


The stuff of nightmares, or a cat lover’s dream? The Lykoi is a brand new breed of cat that is gaining worldwide recognition for its odd werewolf-esque appearance. The word lykoi roughly translates to “wolf” in Greek, and the feline’s scruffy looks are credited to a naturally occurring genetic mutation of the domestic shorthair which prevents the growth of a full coat of fur. This genetic glitch in the wolf cats’ hair follicles means they don’t grow fur around their eyes, nose, ears and muzzle, and have only a patchy coat throughout the rest of their body that also lacks an undercoat.
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