Chocolate Catwalk Show Comes a Cropper after Model’s Dress Falls off – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Chocolate Catwalk Show Comes a Cropper after Model’s Dress Falls off

French TV presenter Karine Ferri tries to stop her skirt from disintegrating at Paris’ Salon du Chocolat. (Bureau233 / eyevine)

Ferri embraced the mini skirt for the final curtain call – but others were bearing a lot more skin. (Bureau233 / eyevine)

Tiga To (left), Cindy Fabre and Blandine Ballavoir all show off their elaborate outfits. (Bureau233 / eyevine)

Film stars Actress Valentine Feau and Anca Radici both walked down the chocolate-strewn catwalk. (Bureau233 / eyevine)

The girls had a lot of fun with their costumes during the show – but didn’t reveal what had happened to them afterwards. (Bureau233 / eyevine)

The girls all got into the spirit of the fun show. (UPI / Rex Features)

The dressed in a suit with swan heads, a hat and tails and a giant ice cream cone. (Bureau233 / eyevine)