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Japanese Cosplayer’s ‘BoobPack’ Becomes A Viral Trend On Twitter

A female Japanese cosplayer is hoping to start an unusual fashion trend that requires a little more than just a significant amount of confidence to pull off. Continue reading »

This Bookstore In Chinese City Of Suzhou Becomes A Wonderland

Visitors flock to branch of bookstore Zhongshuge in Suzhou, East China’s Jiangsu province. The branch, which takes up 1,300 square meters, is designed with four reading areas, respectively named as “Rainbow Valley”, “Firefly Cave”, “Crystal Palace” and “Children’s Castle”. Since its opening, it has attracted many readers. Continue reading »

Giant Lion Carved From Single Tree By 20 People In 3 Years Becomes The World’s Largest Redwood Sculpture

A giant wooden sculpture of a roaring lion now stands proudly in a Central Chinese city square, and the journey it took to get there makes it all the more spectacular. The Oriental Lion, as it has been dubbed, was carved from a single redwood tree trunk over the span of 3 years. Continue reading »

Rescued Deer Becomes A Local Celebrity In Norway

Britt Haugsevje Vangen

After a family found this wild deer injured, they nursed it back to health and saved it from certain death. Continue reading »

Cat Dressed In Tiny Sailors Outfit Becomes Captain Of Russian Cruise Ship


As we all know, cats aren’t that fond of the water, but sailing the high seas is another thing all together and for the past 8 years that’s exactly what Sailor the Persian cat has done. Since 2008 the grumpy feline has been living or ‘working’ onboard a Russian cruise ship for tourists that goes between Moscow and St. Petersburg with captain Vladimir Kotin at his side and even has his very own miniature sailors outfit. Continue reading »

An Artist’s Grocery List Becomes A Giant Monument In Central Park


An immense granite monument to the mundane was erected in Central Park last week by the Public Art Fund. The 17-foot-tall stone slab is inscribed with a message that, by virtue of the medium, could outlast the civilization around it. For his new sculpture, MEMORIAL, British artist and author David Shrigley has carefully chosen words like “sausages,” “Nutella,” and “tampons”—like a deadpan “Ozymandias,” it’s possible the only record left of a post-apocalyptic New York City will be a grocery list. Continue reading »

A Used Cargo Van Becomes A Mobile Studio


Filmmaker Zach Both got creative when it was time for him to hit the road for work last year. Needing to hit various locations around the U.S., 23-year old Both bought a 10-year old Chevy cargo van off of Craigslist and converted it into a mobile studio. This gave him complete freedom to work wherever the project took him, while giving him a comfortable place to live and work. Continue reading »

Homeless Dog Found In Garbage Becomes A Lion He Deserves To Be


When German photographer Julia Marie Werner found a scruffy homeless dog hunting for scraps of food in her garage in Spain, she fell in love with him immediately. While other people saw nothing but a homeless mutt, she saw a brave little lion, and she now wants the world to share her vision with this heartwarming series of photographs. Continue reading »

Pissing Statue Becomes A Symbol Of Belgium’s Attitude To Terrorism


A quirky statue found in Brussels that has long been photographed by tourists has now become a symbol of defiance in the wake of this morning’s terror attacks in the Belgian capital. Continue reading »

Every Spring This Forest In Belgium Becomes A Blue Wonderland

Kilian Schönberger

There’s a mystical forest in Belgium, not far from Brussels, that will take your breath away if you visit it in April or May. Every spring, Hallebros, or Bois de Hal (Halle Forest in Dutch), a beautiful 552 ha forest, is carpeted with a thick layer of bluebell flowers. Continue reading »

Unwanted Cat Becomes This Little Boy’s Guardian, Following Him Everywhere


Meet Larry the ginger cat, given up by his owner for breaking into the food cabinet. He was adopted by a woman named Michelle, and soon became her son, Abel’s, guardian. Larry fell in love with Abel the moment they met.
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Goat Put In Tiger Enclosure As Lunch, Steals Tiger’s Bed And Becomes Boss

Photo by A. Fedoseev / Siberian Times

An unlikely friendship has blossomed between a tiger and a goat at a Russian safari park.

The goat was originally put in the Siberian tiger’s enclosure as his lunch, but the big cat refused to hunt him, leaving staff at the safari park ‘stunned’. Amur the tiger has even been booted out of his shelter by the cheeky goat, who occupied his bed when he entered the enclosure, forcing Amur onto the roof. Continue reading »

89-Year-Old Grandma Becomes a Beautifully Unexpected Bridesmaid

Bride-to-be Christine Quinn was preparing for her wedding day and decided to ask her Nana Betty to stand by her side as a bridesmaid. What she didn’t expect was for the 89-year-old grandmother to accept her request. “She asked me about 10 times, ‘Are you sure?’ and ‘Why would you want an old lady in your bridal party?'” Christine told The Huffington Post. “A few times she even said ‘All of your bridesmaids are young and pretty, why would you want me?’ Obviously Nana is beautiful too. Just look at those photos!” Continue reading »

Rescued Magpie Becomes Lifelong Friend With The Family That Saved Her Life


After being rescued and nursed back to health by a young family in Newport, Australia, a magpie named Penguin has become a regular visitor and friend at the Bloom family’s home, playing with them and coming in to hide when it rains. Continue reading »

Thompson Avenue in Alameda, California, becomes “Christmas Lane” with Holiday Lights

A variety of creative Christmas light displays adorn the majority of homes on Thompson Avenue in Alameda, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013. The short street is known as “Christmas Tree Lane” during the holidays, and the displays can be seen through New Year’s Eve. (Ray Chavez/Bay Area News Group) Continue reading »

Tiny Critter Becomes a Big Wheel

An extreme close-up of a type of rotifer known as Floscularia ringens has won first prize in the 2011 Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition, which showcases photos and movies of life science subjects. The image was the top selection out of more than 2,000 entries in this year’s contest — and it earned the photographer, Charles Krebs, $5,000 worth of Olympus imaging equipment.