bending » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
bending – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Talented Body Painter Has Created A Series Of Mind-Bending Illusions That Cover Entire Torsos


Natalie Fletcher’s work are enough to make people double-take, the spiraling patterns of some appearing to fade into the abyss. In other works, the artists designs look as though they are never ending, while some show body parts appearing to protrude from models chests. The idea behind the ongoing series came to Natalie as a means of keeping entertained during the winter months. Continue reading »

Body Artist Emma Fay Transforms Models Into Animals In Mind-Bending Optical Tricks


There is something frightening and at the same time appealing in the living sculptures of 27-year-old British artist Emma Fay. Body art in conjunction with the flexibility of acrobats and fantasy of the artist using water-based paints, a brush and sponge, is transformed into a beautiful work of art. Continue reading »

This is How Photoshop Artist Erik Johansson Creates His Mind-Bending Images

Swedish photographer and retoucher Erik Johansson is well known for his mind-bending photo-manipulations and optical illusions, which are all made with careful photography and Photoshopping. If you’re wondering how the images are actually created, Johansson has been regularly release behind-the-scenes videos showing his techniques. Continue reading »

Photographer Creates Mind-bending Mashups To Mess With Your Head


From a skier on top of an ice cream to a truckload of cereal – these mind-bending mashups are guaranteed to mess with your head. Continue reading »