blizzard » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
blizzard – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Danish Fashion House and Blizzard Unveiled a Clothing Collection Inspired by Diablo IV


Blizzard Entertainment, the gaming giant behind the popular Diablo franchise, has teamed up with Danish fashion house Han Kjøbenhavn for a surprising collaboration. The two companies unveiled a high-end, ready-to-wear collection at Milan Fashion Week, which is set to hit stores this summer. Continue reading »

BlizzCon Community Showcase Won By Amazing WoW Bolvar Fordragon Cosplay

Hartigan Cosplay, who created an amazing cosplay of World of Warcraft’s Bolvar Fordragon, has won BlizzCon’s Community Showcase awards for Best Cosplay and Best in Show. The Community Showcase lets fans show off their artistic creations such as cosplay and music. Categories include Weapons and Armor, Digital Storytelling, Art Contest and various categories of cosplay. Continue reading »

Amazing Color Photos Capture Chicago’s Street Scenes During The Blizzard Of 1979

The Chicago blizzard of 1979 was a major blizzard that affected northern Illinois and northwest Indiana on January 13–14, 1979. It was one of the largest Chicago snowstorms in history at the time, with 21 inches of snowfall in the two-day period. Continue reading »

“Below Zero”: French Photographer Christophe Jacrot Captures Russian City Of Norilsk Covered In A Snow Blizzard

With his series “Below Zero”, the French photographer Christophe Jacrot plunges us into the most extreme winters in the world.

Norilsk (Siberia, Russia) is the first stop on the journey. This mining city built under Stalin by prisoners to exploit underground nickel is located 200km north of the Arctic Circle. Continue reading »

Inside of Blizzard’s Office

For those of you who wouldn’t know, Blizzard is an American video game developer and publisher responsible for the famous, Warcraft, Diablo and Starcraft games. I really don’t know who is an author of those photos. Let’s take a look at the office of Blizzard. Continue reading »