chile » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
chile – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Designer Creates Stylish Looks Inspired By Cleaning Products, Foods, And Drink

We’ve been in lockdown for far too long now and any means are acceptable to fight boredom. We’ve been surrounded by the same walls and items to the point that some of us have started looking at items around us from a new perspective. Continue reading »

Chilean Artist Finds Humor In Everyday Life, Here Are His Superb Minimalist Comics

Short and humorous comics are a quick and easy way to take your mind off of day-to-day reality. Chilean cartoonist Karlo Ferdon is spot-on in this category with his simple and minimalist comics that can bring a smile to your face. In his imaginative world, Ferdon draws people, animals, everyday objects, or foods caught up in random and witty situations. Continue reading »

Thought-Provoking, Colossal Murals by INTI, Chilean Street Artist

INTI takes his name from the Incan sun god and the Quechua word for ‘the Sun’ as homage to his Chilean roots. His colossal murals pulse with the bright colours of a Latin carnival and the mysterious energy of Ancient South American culture. Continue reading »

Fascinating Pictures Of Atacama Desert In Chile

The Brazilian studio Conci unveiled on Behance a series of unique photographs of the Atacama desert in Chile. Pink sky, desert expanses, black sand, each shot gives us almost the impression of being on another planet. Most of the photos were taken in the Luna Valley and at the Licancabur Volcano. Bluffing. Continue reading »

Stunning Color Photos Captured The Life At Beaches Of Chile In The 1980s


Here are stunning color photos taken by photographer Don Terpstra that documented the life at Renaca beach, Chile in the 1980s. Continue reading »