client » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
client – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Company Hilariously Mocks Stupid Client Requests, Shows What Happens When You Do Everything They Ask

Designers and their clients will never understand each other. And that’s a good thing. I mean, let’s face it, designers have a way bigger understanding of their craft and (usually) the more freedom brands give them, the better the results of their collaborations are. A recent tweet by Japanese brand Nissin Cup Noodles is a perfect example of the terrible visual disaster that happens when a designer follows through with every single client request. Continue reading »

Tips That Will Help Designers Translate Client-Speak Like A Pro


If you’re a designer who often works with clients that speak a different language than you, then get ready because these tips are about to change your life. Continue reading »

Craziest Client Requests Become Amusing Art


Designers, ever heard of that line coming from a clueless client? Leaves you speechless doesn’t it? It’s very difficult to answer these type of requests and not sound the least bit sarcastic. But you try your nicest. They say kids say the darknest things, well, clients too. Sometimes, even more so.

Seeing the bright side of this situation are Ireland based designers Mark Shanley and Paddy Treacy. The duo crowd sourced some of the weirdest and real client request from different ad agencies and creative types and asked them to make it into fun posters. Continue reading »

Scary Client Feedback Designed As Classic Horror Movie Posters


Brand design agency Serious Studio has come up with a series of funny posters for Halloween. Titled ‘Creative Horror Stories’, the series showcases stupid client comments in the form of classic horror movie posters of the 1920s – 30s. Check them out below. Continue reading »

Terrible Client Emails That Designers Hate To Receive

Many people fail to appreciate the knowledge, experience and effort that can go into making a good design, which can make life difficult for designers. Continue reading »

“Fuckilarious Bullshit” – Worst Client Comments Turned Into Posters

Design agency Serial Kolor created a series of posters with the worst client comments.
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