crisis » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
crisis – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Existential Crisis Duck: A ‘Sad’ Lamp to Help You Sleep


It was just another day in the life of an average duck, waddling around and quacking to its heart’s content, when suddenly a question hit him like a bolt of lightning: “Who am I?” That simple question sparked an existential crisis, leading the duck to ponder the purpose of its existence. Can a duck do more than just quack and eat breadcrumbs? Is that all there is to life? It’s a feeling that many of us can relate to. Continue reading »

Stunning Snapshots of America in Crisis in the 1970s

By the late 1960s, the American landscape was ravaged by decades of unchecked land development, blighted by urban decay in the big cities, and plagued by seemingly unstoppable air, noise, and water pollution.

In November 1971, the newly created Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a monumental photodocumentary project to “photographically document subjects of environmental concern” in the United States. The collection, now at the National Archives, resulted in a collection of more than 20,000 photographs by its conclusion in 1978.

Water cooling towers of the John Amos Power Plant loom over a home located across the Kanawha River, near Poca, West Virginia, August 1973. (Harry Schaefer)

With support from the first EPA administrator, William Ruckelshaus, project director Gifford D. Hampshire contracted well-known photographers to work for the EPA on the project. Estimates of the number involved range between 70 and 120, and they were organized geographically, with each photographer working in a particular area in which they were already active. Continue reading »

Artist Creates 17 Illustrations To Reflect On Our Lives During The COVID-19 Crisis

According to TYH Tang Yau Hoong: “The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, and perhaps this is an opportune moment to reflect on our lives. Quarantine, lockdown, social distancing, work from home are the new normal in 2020, and this pandemic taught us, humans, so many lessons. Continue reading »

Here Are 20th Century-Inspired Propaganda Posters About The COVID-19 Crisis In The US

There used to be a time when posters had great influence on the shaping of people’s behavior and opinions. I am, of course, referring to the old-school propaganda posters from the 20th century. The medium was quite popular from around the time of the two World Wars all the way up to the late 1980s. Continue reading »

“The Empire Against The Crisis”: Darth Vader Forced To Do Odd Jobs

With his series The Empire against the Crisis, the Belgian photographer Michaël Massart stages the bankruptcy of the Galactic Empire, while an unprecedented financial crisis hits the entire galaxy. A difficult situation that forces Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers to do odd jobs. A funny and quirky project around the Star Wars saga, but which also illustrates the difficult and real life of thousands of people. Continue reading »