energetic » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
energetic – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Wire Sculptures Resembling Energetic Line Drawings Capture Animals’ Graceful Movements


Artist Candice Bees creates elegant animal sculptures from bound wires, capturing graceful movements of both winged and four-legged creatures. Originally trained as an illustrator, she found its two dimensions hampering her creative spirit. “Since finding wire as a medium,” she shares, “I cannot keep up with my brain!” Continue reading »

Brilliant, Energetic and Skillfully Shot Images of Headbangers Mid-Bang


When you look at the swathes of colour, motion and hair in Jacob Ehrbahn’s images, it makes you think that headbanging is perhaps one of the world’s purest expressions of human joy. Or if not joy, then at least something very powerful. Continue reading »

Dreamy Animal Illustrations Come to Life through an Energetic Brushstroke Style

Illustrator Amy Hamilton employs both digital and traditional tools to create dreamy designs that take inspiration from nature. In order to create the graceful softness that is displayed in each illustration, Hamilton utilizes conventional instruments such as graphite, gouache (thickened, opaque pigments ground in water), and ink, adding in digital elements simply to emphasize the soothing, subdued textures in her work. Continue reading »