ingenious » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
ingenious – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Simple, Ingenious, And Amusing: Blackwork Tattoos By Ilya Brezinsk


Tattoo artist Ilya Brezinski creates polished blackwork drawings that just happen to be on the skin. The tightly-rendered pictures—often single subject—interact with the body in a playful way: a collar bone becomes a guide for a tightrope while half of a bicycle wheel is made wholly complete because it’s placed on a rounded pectoral muscle. Though Brezinski’s tattoos are simple in execution, their visual ingenuity is conceptually compelling and at times, very amusing. Continue reading »

This Ingenious Car From 1923 Turned Into A Boat

It looks like any old car… (Practical Electrics magazine, Octopber, 1923)

In 1921, John A. Cowan patented a car roof that slips off and turns into a lightweight flat-bottomed boat. Continue reading »

Ingenious Rocking Chair Knits A Hat for You As You Sway Back And Forth


The Rocking Knit chair was created by Lausanne Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex, students at the ECAL University of Art and Design. At first glance, the chair looks a lot like a porch swing or glider chair. Settle into the comfy seat, and you’ll find that it takes little effort to rock back and forth. Continue reading »

This Ingenious Couple Built The House Of Their Dreams — And It’s Amazingly Small!


Andrew and Gabriela Morrison had long dreamed of having their own home. But as we all know, a large house requires large investments. The Morrisons decided against taking out loans and purchasing a large house — they realised that even a small place to call their own would suit them as well. And so they built a house which is just 20 square meters — but it’s very, very cosy. But how exactly do they live in such a confined space? We’ll tell you. Continue reading »

This Ingenious Vending Machine Feeds Homeless Animals

This Ingenious Vending Machine Feeds Homeless Animals

The company Pugedon has come up with an effective way to both look after the environment and care for animals living on the streets. In one city, they set up vending machines which fill up special trays with food when an empty plastic bottle is placed in them. The profit made from the recycled bottles covers the costs of providing the food for the animals. Continue reading »

This Inspirational Girl Saved a Homeless Dog in the Most Ingenious Way


When Amanda Guarascio and her friend Dylan Parkinson heard about a lost and lonely dog which was living in the mountains near the town of Carbonado, Washington, they decided they would do whatever it takes to help bring it home.
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