macro » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
macro – Page 2 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Photographer Takes Photos Of Toys That Are So Epic, They Can Outshine Any Blockbuster Movie Shot

It seems that there’s nothing interesting about taking pictures of toys because they’re just figures with no emotion that aren’t able to express any feelings. But creativity and talent can produce some outstanding things, and photographer Jared Middleton proves this to be true. He chose toy figures to be his models and takes great photos of them that look just as cool, if not cooler, than any blockbuster movie shot. Continue reading »

Hitchhikers: Thorny South African Seeds Get An Up Close Examination In Macro Photographs By Dillon Marsh

“Seeds in the form of thorns and burs are familiar features of the tall grass or underbrush of South African landscapes. Some bear hooks and barbs designed to latch onto the fur and fleece of passing animals, while others grow sharp spikes intended to pierce hooves and feet. This allows them to spread to new areas, even crossing to other continents, earning them the collective name ‘hitchhiker plants’. Macro photography reveals the often unnoticed details of these intricate seeds.” Continue reading »

Artist Captures Beautiful Photos Of Flowers In Bloomy Neon

According to Claire Boscher: “These images are part of photographic research I did on the theme of colourful flowers for a collaboration with Huawei for wallpapers design. This project allowed me to continu my artistic research to find new aesthetic designs and colour palettes. Colourful lights are made with coloured filter.” Continue reading »

Unbelievable Photos Show The Microscopic Beauty Of Butterfly Wings

You might think that at first glance you’re looking at fish scales, but you’re actually looking at the wings of butterflies! American photographer Chris Perani shows the stunning beauty of butterflies by capturing the microscopic details of their wings. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Photos Of The 2018 Nikon Small World Contest Reveal The Hidden Beauty Of A Microscopic World

Eye of a “Metapocyrtus subquadrulifer” beetle, Yousef Al Habshi

For the 44th year, Nikon celebrates the invisible world by organizing Small World Photomicrography Competition. As imaging and microscope technologies evolve, scientists, professional photographers continue to push the boundaries of micrograph. This year over 2500 scientists and artist from 89 countries submitted their work.

After being evaluated on originality, informational content, technical proficiency, and visual impact, Yousef Al Habshi from Abu Dhabi was declared the winner. His incredible image of an Asian Red Palm weevil’s eye is a close up look at the insect’s striking anatomy. Continue reading »

Unbelievable Macro Shots Taken Inside Instruments By The Romanian Artist Adrian Borda

Adrian Borda is an artist and photographer from Reghin, Romania. Inspired by an old print campaign for the Berlin Philharmonic, Borda managed to take a fascinating series of photos from the insides of old instruments like a cello and contrabass. To achieve these shots, Borda fit a Sony NEX-6 camera equipped with a Samyang 8mm fisheye lens inside the instrument and then used a smart remote so he could preview the workflow on his phone. Continue reading »

International Garden Photographer Of The Year Macro Winners

Second place: Salad Burnet Flower by Ian Gilmour, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. (Photo by Ian Gilmour/International Garden Photographer of the Year) Continue reading »

International Garden Photographer Of The Year Macro Art Winners

Macroglossum Stellatarum by Andrea Garuffo

Photographic competition awards a special prize for close-up pictures, with photographers encouraged to capture the world of plants and gardens in miniature, while showcasing the beauty and complexity of nature. Continue reading »

Bees Under The Macro Lens

The female leaf-cutter bee with pollen she has collected.

These macro images by Alejandro Santillana are being showcased in the Insects Unlocked project at the University of Texas at Austin. Continue reading »

Extraordinary Macro Portraits Of Insects By Francesco Bagnato

Francesco Bagnato is a talented photographer, illustrator, art director and designer currently based in Milan, Italy. For his latest project “Entomology”, Francesco captured different types of jewel beetles with their chromatic and iridescent exterior. Studied at Dante Alighieri, Bagnato describes himself as an insect lover and breeder. Continue reading »

Macro Photos Of Entire Cityscapes Captured Within A Single Drop Of Rainwater

Blue Mosque – Istanbul

Photographer Dusan Stojancevic depicts metropolises contained within tiny droplets of rainwater. For the past 15 years, he has revealed minuscule cityscapes that hide in the beads of liquid. Towering buildings, expansive bridges, and glittering lights are reflected in the tiny dots sitting on metallic surfaces. They’re visually divorced from the actual piece of architecture they’re echoing and instead offer a surreal look into seemingly alien worlds. Continue reading »

Photographer Took Stunning Macro Pictures Of Beautiful Dew Drops


Ever wondered what life is like in miniature? An Italian photographer has perfected his own brand of macro photography with stunning pictures of miniscule drops of dew on flowers. Alberto Ghizzi Panizza, 40, has been a photographer for 18 years and specializes in macro images. Continue reading »