photoshops » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
photoshops – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Russian Guy Hilariously Photoshops Himself Into The Daily Life Of Emily Ratajkowski

Most celebrities aren’t exactly known for hanging around with ‘average’ people, but for this guy, they make an exception. Meet Max, the russian guy and a photoshop troll savage. He spends long, cold winters in Russia photoshopping himself into ridiculous situations with Emily Ratajkowski. Continue reading »

This Guy Photoshops Himself Into Movie Posters And The Results Are Hilarious

The legendary comedian Milton Bearle once said, “if opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Well, that’s exactly what Chicago performer Guy Madjar did this Oscar season. Instead of seeing another year go by where he had to suffer the indignity of not being acknowledged by the Academy, he took matters into his own hands and photoshopped his image into each of the nominated films. Continue reading »

Guy Hilariously Photoshops Himself Into Awkward Stock Photos, Again


Stock photos are always awkward and strange, but that’s all about to change thanks to the The Stock Photobomber aka Mathew. Continue reading »

This Man Photoshops Himself Into Series Of Hilarious Scenarios With Celebrities


Average Rob, a ‘mediocre dude’ from Belgium, is here to give you a smile. His series of photos see him in hilarious situations with celebrities doing all sorts of audacious things. Continue reading »

Photographer Steven Burton Photoshops Out Ex-Gang Members Tattoos


For his latest project “Skin Deep”, photographer Steven Burton captured powerful portraits of heavily tattooed ex-gang members and digitally removed their tattooes using Photoshop. Continue reading »

This Guy Photoshops His Dog Into A Giant In All His Pics And It’s Hilarious


Photographers can have a hard time of capturing their subjects perfectly. Waiting for the right moment can make them anxious, and any slip up could ruin everything. Continue reading »

This Dino-Man Photoshops Himself Into Famous People’s Photos


Actor Lorenz Valentino, also known as Dino, has a unique approach to getting close to the stars, actors, singers and politicians he loves. Instead of elbowing through crowds or entering packed arenas to catch a distant glimpse of larger-than-life personalities, he cozies up to them personally through the magic of Photoshop, wearing a funny Dino costume. Continue reading »

Facebook Group Photoshops Plus-Sized Women To ‘Inspire’ Them To Lose Weight

Tes Holiday

Photoshop has become synonymous with “beautifying” photos that would otherwise have imperfections. In some cases, this is OK, and magazines and online media do this with a subject’s consent. Recently, however, a group going by the name of “Project Harpoon” (Facebook page presently shut down) has drawn criticism for photoshopping plus-sized models to appear thinner. An offshoot of ThInnerBeauty, a website and subreddit, the group aims to “inspire” its targets to lose weight. Continue reading »