reflection » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
reflection – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Photographer Captures Mystery Scenes Inspired By A Reflection Of Our Natural Landscape As A Continuous, Celestial Entity

From the view outside of our window, to the far end of the Universe, it is one continuous landscape without limits. It flows undisturbed, dissolving into infinite forms that take the shape of everything we have ever seen, dreamt or imagined. Our world is celestial, sharing the same origin with the space that embraces our skies. Mountains and seas, the most familiar objects of our immediate experience still carry within them the magic of distant worlds. For this is one, inseparable landscape. Continue reading »

This Jaw-Dropping 19th-Century German Bridge Uses Its Reflection To Form A Perfect Circle

Dirk Förster

Nestled among the verdant foliage in Kromlau, Germany’s Kromlauer Park, is a delicately arched devil’s bridge known as the Rakotzbrücke, which was specifically built to create a circle when it is reflected in the waters beneath it. Continue reading »

A Fascinating Photo Project About The Reflection We Want To See In The Mirror

It’s human nature to desire and, at the same time, be afraid of change. But as technology becomes more advanced, we now have a great opportunity to contemplate changes in our appearance without worrying that the consequences will be permanent. With the help of a retouch artist’s capable hands, you can experiment with your appearance: create an incredible hairstyle or even change your skin tone. Sometimes, this impartial perspective can help you understand that when one of your personal traits disappears, you can lose your individuality. Maybe you’ll even become a different person.


Polly: ‘I’ve always wanted to have narrower cheekbones, full lips, and a darker skin tone. And thick hair. I think I would be a real beauty!’

Bright Side offered a group of brave people the chance to take part in a photo project that highlights these issues. They explained their ideas for their ideal appearance to a retouch artist and asked them to make them happen. We suggest you take a look at the result and try to find ten differences. Continue reading »

‘Greenland Reflection’ by Michael J. Quinn

‘Greenland Reflection’ is a photo series taken by landscape photographer Michael J Quinn, in which he captures the breathtaking terrain of Greenland.

“From my travels to Scoresby Sund, Greenland 2012. Lately I have been reflecting upon my trip and my captures of reflections.” – Michael J. Quinn. Continue reading »