russia – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Spectacular Still Life-Winning Photos From The 35 Photography Awards

1st Place Winner: Photo by MVO (Mark Orlov) Moldova
Still Life Photography 35 Awards 01

The 35 Photography Awards recently celebrated artistic excellence and technical prowess in still life photography, showcasing masterful images that transform everyday objects and floral compositions into extraordinary visual narratives through brilliant use of light, color, and composition. Continue reading »

Breathtaking Aerial-Winning Photos From The 9th Annual 35 Photography Awards

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Tittu Thomas, India

The 9th Annual 35 Photography Awards recently showcased the awe-inspiring artistry of aerial photography, featuring a breathtaking collection of images capturing the world’s diverse landscapes. Continue reading »

Artist Paints Superb Pictures of The Snowy North of Russia, and Inspired by Her Trip to The Baikonur Cosmodrome


Nastya Miro is a Moscow realist artist, graduated from the School-Studio of Variety, Film and Television, All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimova (VGIK). Continue reading »

This Artist Does Great Slavic Themed Tattoos


From the bustling streets of St. Petersburg emerges an artist with a passion deeply rooted in tradition and heritage: Meet Marie. The central theme of her art wasn’t an impulsive decision, but rather a heartfelt tribute to her origins. Continue reading »

Photographer Fyodor Savintsev Captures ‘The Dacha’, A Unique Soviet Phenomenon


The ‘dacha’, a wooden country house, holds a special place in the hearts of those from the former USSR. Continue reading »

Meet Fernando, The Enigmatic Street Artist Whose Masterpieces Speak Louder than Words


There’s a shroud of mystery surrounding a street artist and photographer known only by his pseudonym, Fernando. His real name is Eugeny and he hails from the Russian city of Kaliningrad. Continue reading »

What Life Looks Like in Russia, According to AI


A collection of amusing depictions of Russian life, created by AI based on user prompts, has begun to gain popularity on social platforms. It seems that foreign curiosity isn’t just satisfied with bread, but also with a humorous look at the Russian lifestyle. Continue reading »

A Deep Dive into Polina Alexeenko’s Manga-Inspired Illustrations


In the heart of Saint Petersburg, Russia, a dynamic artist named Polina Alexeenko is crafting a vibrant world that pulses with life and color. Polina’s artistic talent is undeniably exceptional, as seen in her playful and expressive illustrations that appear to leap off the canvas and into the imagination of the viewer. Continue reading »

Rediscovering Childhood Magic: Designer Kirill Kruglov’s ‘My Outskirts’ Coloring Book


In a world dominated by technology and virtual experiences, it’s refreshing to stumble upon a project that brings back the joys of childhood and encourages creativity beyond screens. Designer Kirill Kruglov has introduced an intriguing project called “My Outskirts,” a captivating coloring book aimed at those who grew up under a monotonous gray sky. Let’s delve into the fascinating details of this nostalgic masterpiece. Continue reading »

Unearthing Urban Artifacts with Andrey Syaylev’s Architectural Explorations


Single-type panel buildings, an iconic symbol of urban landscapes, hold a special place in the cultural fabric of many cities. These seemingly gloomy blocks of five-story buildings, with their warm yellow kitchen lights, floral curtains, and balconies brimming with life, have become more than just structures. They are artifacts, a testament to the passage of time, and have become a source of inspiration for contemporary creative practices. Continue reading »

An Artist Paints Stunning Melancholic Cityscapes of Her Hometown


Sasha Volodina, an artist from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, raises the aesthetics of the urban landscape to a new level. By happy coincidence, the editorial team was lucky enough to get to her studio as part of a tour and talk to her in person for a while. Continue reading »

The Superb Atmospheric Surreal 3D Artworks of Eugene Tikhonov


3D artist Eugene Tikhonov creates amazing outworlds, combining real life and surrealism with 3D. Continue reading »

The Weird and Badass Gravestones of Russian Mafia


Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russian mafia bosses with close government connections grew immensely rich. Continue reading »

Young Photographer Captures Superb Minimalist Street Photos


Darya Rybalchenko was born in Kemerovo, an industrial city located in the southwest of Siberia. This harsh region became the inspiration for her minimalist photographic works. Continue reading »

Evils of Politicians in the Satirical Art of Semyon Skrepetsky


An American artis of the Russian origin Semyon Skrepetsky is a master of satirical art who focuses on human sins. He exposes atrocity, greed, lie, passion for power and other negative human qualities. And it naturally comes that Semen uses images of politicians to demistrate those qualities. Continue reading »

“We Don’t Need Your Internet!”: A Designer Imagined What the Logos of Famous Companies Would Look Like if They Stayed in Russia


According to Václav Kudělka: “As a graphic designer, I am very aghast by the existence of Uncle Vanya (fake Russian McDonald’s) or a Rossgram (duplicated Instagram), which cannot be considered anything other than obvious plagiarism. Continue reading »

Beautiful Abandoned Fairy Tale House as the Quintessence of What’s Going On


Urban explorer Polina Reznik captures abandoned buildings and places in the depths of Russia. This beautiful old house somewhere far away from civilization reflects what is happening to us now: once this house was built with love, people lived in it, children laughed, but time passes, people die, leave the house, no one needs it anymore. It is still beautiful and you can live in it, but there is no one to live in it. And the house gradually dies. And no one will save it. Only a miracle. Continue reading »

Anonymous Artist Draws Soulful Pictures of Life in The Russian Provinces


The romance of night trains, the nightlife of small towns in Russia, the existential states of the human soul. A small and cozy world without war, suffering and death.

Lord, save and have mercy on us, sinners. Continue reading »

Perfect Logo Redesigns For Companies Leaving Russia


Big brands are boycotting/leaving the Russian market to express opposition to Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. Art director Václav Kudělka has created a series of brand redesigns to show what company logos would say if they could speak. Continue reading »

Scary but Touching Photos of Ukrainians with Their Pets Hiding from Russian Bombs in The Kyev Subway

War is scary. In war, not only people are victims, but also their pets. And no one can protect them except people. Continue reading »

Heartbreaking Pieces Made By Artists All Over The World After The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine


We live in anxious and heartbreaking times, where things we eagerly believed were finally behind us suddenly come true. Despite our innocent and sometimes even naive beliefs, enraged and cruel men have frankly chosen to decide our future for us. Continue reading »

Meet Rasko, the Master of Street Art and Calligraffiti

We do not know much about Rasko. For obvious reasons, he prefers to hide his face and does not show his face in public without reason, but anyone familiar with graffiti culture in Russia and the world can easily say that Rasko is legendary and majestic. Continue reading »

Rare and Charming Photos of A Leopard Couple Playing Love Games in A ‘Land of The Leopard’ National Park

Land of the Leopard National Park is a national park in Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East, covering an area of 2,799 km2 (1,081 sq mi) west of Razdolnaya River. It was established to protect the Amur leopard which was at the time the world’s rarest cat with an estimated population of 30 individuals.

According to the Park Administration: “Old-timer leopard Valera married a young female! At the advanced age of 13, a big cat arranged a date – a camera trap captured the meeting of the rarest leopards in the world and the mating process. Amur leopards, Land of the Leopard National Park, Russian Far East. There are only 110 of them.” Continue reading »

The Grace of Broken Space: Art by Sasha Tudvaseva

Sasha Tudvaseva is a freelance artist from Russia who draws illustrations for Blizzard Entertainment and writes in-depth tutorials on digital art on ArtStation Marketplace. Her flamboyant style is hard to describe – Tudvaseva beautifully combines abstraction and realism in her work, while playing with completely crazy perspective and breaking shapes. Continue reading »

Sad and Happy Moments on the Photos of Boris Register

Boris register is a photographer who didn’t do staged photos, so all of his images were caught in a moment and therefore wonderful. Even those which cause the feeling of discomfort. Continue reading »