skeletons » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
skeletons – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

In the 1890s The Antikamnia Chemical Company Used Skeletons To Sell Its Killer Cures


Using memento mori to sell medical treatments designed to hold off death was the idea of the Antikamnia Chemical Company, which featured skeletons employed in various professions in adverts for its drugs. Continue reading »

The Sculptor Created a Series of Bizarre Sculptures that Represent the Skeletons of Famous Cartoon Characters


From his wearable devices exaggerating physical features to sculptures and installations featuring skeletons, Korean artist Hyungkoo Lee’s bizarre, experimental artworks reexamine the confines and possibilities of the human body. Continue reading »

Edouard Joseph d’Alton’s Detailed Illustrations of Animal Skeletons, 1821–1838


In a series of comparative studies published from 1821 to 1838, and collected under the title Die vergleichende Osteologie [The Comparative Osteology], the Baltic German biologist Heinz Christian Pander (1794–1865) and the Italian-born German naturalist and artist Edouard Joseph d’Alton (1772–1840) presented an extraordinary illustrated atlas of animal bones. Continue reading »

Death, Despair And Bloodborne: Superb Art By Rob Bowyer

Rob Bowyer is a freelance illustrator from the UK who draws very sad pictures. Most of them are skeletons and all sorts of monstrous creatures in depressing, ghastly locations. That said, Bowyer’s artwork even looks very stylish – you could put each one on your desktop or wherever young people are putting pictures nowadays. Continue reading »

Wilhelm Werner Von Zimmer’s “Dance Of Death” From 1540

In the Late Middle Ages, there were illustrated books called Danse Macabre or the Dance of Death which were used to focus the mind on life’s short stretch.

These books were heavily illustrated with pictures of Death or a gnarly skeleton fresh from the grave a-coming-up to claim both high and low. The peasant and the King were equal before Death, neither could escape its cold bony grasp. The Princess and the child were not spared. Understandable when the average life expectancy was between 30 and 40-years-of-age in the 1500s. The rich and privileged may have lived slightly longer but the majority died before forty. Continue reading »

“The Book Of Bare Bones”: Artist Shows The Skeletons Underneath The Skin Of Iconic Cartoon Character

Have you ever wondered what pop culture characters would look like if their skeletons were visible? One artist actually imagined it! Will Blood is an artist from the south of England, UK, who creates X-ray illustrations featuring famous characters from our childhood. Continue reading »

Giant Skeletons Emerge From A Street In Mexico City

San Pedro Tláhuac Tradicional

Huge skeletons have “came to life” from a street in Mexico City. Celebrating the Day of the Dead, the sculptures have become the centre of attention in the whole Tlahuac neighbourhood. Continue reading »

Brittle Skeletons Crocheted From Discarded Textiles By Caitlin McCormack

Philadelphia-based artist Caitlin McCormack continues to explore the decay and remains of once-living things in her intricate crochet work. Continue reading »

Skateboarding Light Skeletons

These stunning light art pictures of skateboarding skeletons were created by Darren Pearson from Los Angeles. He works as a full time illustrator by day and by night he explores the varying landscapes of California in search of the perfect scene for his light-sculptures. Pearson makes complex light-effect photographs, none of which are photoshopped. He describes the work as location-based light art. Continue reading »

Skeletons and The Department Of Transportation


The Barbarian Group recently concepted and executed the skeletal warnings signs you may have seen on ny roads. The signs are part of the department of transportation’s ‘that’s why it’s 30’ campaign, an ongoing effort to reduce pedestrian deaths in New York. Continue reading »