swedish » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
swedish – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

You May Chill In This Sunken 200 Year-Old Swedish Cabin Hidden Deep In A Forest

Photo credit: PonyHans

In the early 1800s a man named Little Jon lived in this so called earth cabin (swe. ‘backstuga’) located in southern Småland, Sweden. Continue reading »

Swedish Designer Transforms Retro-Styled Household Appliances Into Series Of Cross-Stitch Art

Sometimes the most basic, outdated household items can be turned into something pretty spectacular.

Swedish designer Ulla-Stina Wikander has taken on a project which aims to transform old and unused household appliances into works of art. The sculptures utilise antiquated objects from around the home and transforms them into recycled, contemporary display pieces with the help of some thread. Continue reading »

Three Swedish Friends Have Designed A Contemporary Moustache Protector


For all of those bearded men out there that have the problem of getting food in your ‘stache, the guys behind Odd Company have designed a contemporary version of an old invention, The Stache Sheild. Continue reading »

Swedish Artist Creates Beautiful Monochromatic Hyperrealistic Drawings

Swedish artist with the name of Jackdevilart makes monochromatic drawings with a pencil or a felt-tip pen. Continue reading »

This is How Photoshop Artist Erik Johansson Creates His Mind-Bending Images

Swedish photographer and retoucher Erik Johansson is well known for his mind-bending photo-manipulations and optical illusions, which are all made with careful photography and Photoshopping. If you’re wondering how the images are actually created, Johansson has been regularly release behind-the-scenes videos showing his techniques. Continue reading »