texts » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
texts – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Finally, 2022 Texts From My Cat Calendar Is Here!

If you give a cat a smartphone, he’s gonna want to text—his every fleeting thought. At least that’s the case with Mitty—the text-savvy, over-anxious, drama-filled housecat. Continue reading »

Finally, The 2022 Texts From My Dog Calendar Is Here!

Wouldn’t you like to be able to exchange texts with your dog? Based on the popular TextsFromDog Tumblr, each page of the Texts from Dog 2022 Calendar features imaginary, humorous, and crass SMS exchanges shared between Dog, and his very tolerant but loving owner. It’s a bromance like no other. Continue reading »

Someone Is Hiding Dirty Texts In Beautiful Photos And It’s Hilarious


People love to use beautiful photos with inspirational quotes as the wallpaper on their computers. It’s a nice way to get yourself motivated, but someone out there is changing the game. Someone is removing the inspirational quotes from these beautiful photos, and replacing them with filthy, dirty text. Continue reading »

Hillary Clinton Goes Viral: ‘Texts From Hillary’ Meme Rides Wave Of Success

Hillary Clinton is best known for her political accomplishments – representing New York as a United States Senator, being a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 and working as the current Secretary of State — but now she’s become part of some neither she nor anyone else ever expected.

The celebrated Secretary of State is the star of a new internet meme in which the she’s shown wearing a pair of dark sunglasses looking at her blackberry. Beneath the photo of her looking at her blackberry is a caption of Clinton responding to someone on her phone.

The meme, called “Texts From Hillary Clinton,” has been started on Tumblr blog of the same name. The Tumblr account appears to be created in the same fashion as other Tumblr hits including “Kim Jong-Il Looking At Things” and “Garfield Minus Garfield,” which are each themed photo collections. Continue reading »