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Macabre Hat Belonged to a Traveling “Dentist” in London in the Early 19th Century

Southwark Heritage

This cap belonged to a street “dentist” or tooth puller. It is made of brown velvet and felt, and decorated with approximately 88 decayed human teeth, once belonging to his patients. Continue reading »

German Factory Introducing the ‘“Double-Lambretta”, 1953


In 1953, the NSU factory in Dusseldorf, Germany, introduced the “Double-Lambretta.” Initially designed for young couples, this small motorcycle could be expanded by joining it with another Lambretta to accommodate a growing family, effectively transforming into a small car that could carry two adults and two children, achieving speeds of up to 78 km/h and a fuel efficiency of 3.4 liters per 100 km. Continue reading »

Trade Your Boring Teddy Bear For This Adorable Alien Xenomorph

Why stay stuck with a boring teddy bear when you can have an Alien Xenomorph plush? An amusing and offbeat toy created by designer Catherine Abanina, who transforms the cult monster from the Alien saga into an adorable handmade plush. Continue reading »

Stop Illegal Wildlife Trade


WWF is leading a global campaign to stop wildlife crime. Illegal wildlife trade has exploded to meet increasing demand for elephant ivory, rhino horns, and tiger products, particularly in Asia. Controlled by dangerous crime syndicates, wildlife is trafficked much like drugs or weapons. Wildlife criminals often operate with impunity, making the trade a low-risk/high-profit business. Today, it is the fifth most profitable illicit trade in the world, estimated at up to $10 billion annually. Continue reading »