Japanese illustrator Keigo has created a series of the daily of struggles that each crocodile faces in its daily life. Turns out having a huge snout isn’t exactly convenient. Continue reading »
For two weeks last year, Canadian photographer David Burdeny spent his nights 200 feet underground, shooting the surreal opulence of the Moscow Metro. With their ornate chandeliers, marble walls, bronze columns, and intricate mosaics, these railway stations have been likened to an “artificial underground sun.” (Aesthetically, they’re as far from the rat-infested purgatory of New York City’s subway system as you could possibly get.) As far as he knows, Burdeny is the only professional photographer in the world to have been granted permission to extensively shoot these locations emptied of passengers. Continue reading »
Champas is a 5-year-old cat who can’t seem to find a home. He’s been living at the Animal Welfare League Australia shelter in Sydney for over 433 days now and all he wants is a little love. Continue reading »
According to an artist, Amanda Lee (aka Dada): “Hi my name is Dada, I love drawing all sorts of subjects with all sorts of mediums! Art can communicate without words. It is a platform where I filter my emotions; it gives me passion to create.” Continue reading »
Ladies, looking to spice things up in the bedroom? Checkout these 11 tips that Allan Gilbert swore by back in the 30s.
According to Gilbert, american women just didn’t have have good bedroom etiquette, so in 1937 he founded “Gilbert’s School of Undressing” where ladies could take courses teaching them how to gracefully strip for their husbands. These goofy photos were run in Life magazine and clearly illustrate the “do’s and don’ts” of a wives undressing routine.
Most of the tips are just downright funny and the accompanying photos are equally silly. Maybe these photos and tips were steamy back in the day, but now they’re mostly just good for a laugh. Continue reading »
Even in candy form, cats just can’t help but be themselves. These little kitties can’t wait to get their paws on the delicious goldfish that swim in this jelly cube. Continue reading »