Stolen Lives: Ukrainian Artist Shows the Horror of War Through Her Own Feelings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Stolen Lives: Ukrainian Artist Shows the Horror of War Through Her Own Feelings


24/02/2022 Russia started bombing Ukraine. A lot of people lost their normal life, lost their homes. Sasha Anisimova, an illustrator from Kharkov, was forced to leave her home and flee the horrors of war. She expresses her anxieties and fears through tragic drawings of bombed-out cities, with hope for the future.

“War became something normal. There are no stress when you forget what is it calm. I have no words to explain how disappointed and angry I am and no one has no words to explain how this war and these horrors can happened in 21 century. Russia now is a cancer tumor. With the metastases in all the world. But in a difference that everyone knows which pills can helps, but no one can’t write a correct recipe,” she writes.

More: Instagram, Behance


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🇺🇦 ❤️


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