airplane » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
airplane – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A McDonald’s in New Zealand Lets Diners Eat Inside a Decommissioned Airplane


Airplane food takes on a slightly different meaning in Taupo, New Zealand.

That’s because the small resort town on the North Island is home to one of the world’s most unique McDonald’s restaurants, which happens to be attached to a decommissioned airplane. Continue reading »

The Story In Pictures Of The Giant Hughes H-4 Hercules Made Entirely Of Wood In 1945-1947

LIFE/Getty Images

The largest wooden airplane ever constructed, and flown only one time, the H-4 Hercules (nicknamed Spruce Goose) represents one of humanity’s greatest attempts to conquer the skies. Henry Kaiser, steel magnate and shipbuilder, conceived the idea of a massive flying transport and turned to Howard Hughes to design and build it. Continue reading »

Wide Seats And Plenty Of Legroom: These Old Pan Am Photos Show How Much Airline Travel Has Changed

Pan American World Airways, commonly known as Pan Am, was the largest international air carrier based in the U.S. from 1927 until 1991. The airline has always had a place in popular culture as a kind of standard bearer for luxury and excellence. Continue reading »

These Craftsmen Are Making Stunning Furniture And Art Objects Out Of Parts Of The Soviet And Russian Airplanes And Helicopters

“Our manufactory specializes in making furniture, interior solutions, and art-objects out of parts of airplanes and helicopters. Before turning into beautiful things, aircraft fragments go through multilevel manufacture cycle, starting from prior selection of parts of aircrafts and ending with packaging of finished goods. Fine-tuning and operability of this cycle – is our goal. This goal can be considered achieved, if you like our goods. Continue reading »

This Is Truly Heavenly Weather As Pictures Taken From An Airplane Cockpit Reveal What Pilots See From Above


An incredible view of thunderstorms light up the insides of clouds near a beautiful sky line. It looks like at cruising altitude the weather really hots up, with the flight deck revealing some amazing scenes. Thunderstorms light up the insides of clouds, lightening streaks across the sky like cracks in a windscreen, the northern lights sweep uninterrupted across the sky and the galaxy stretches on forever. The pictures were captured by senior first officer Christiaan van Heijst, a 33-year-old from the Netherlands, and his friend Daan Krans. Continue reading »

When Airplane Food Was First Class – A Mouthwatering Look At What In-Flight Meals Used To Be Like In The Golden Age Of Flying


Have you ever had any complaints about the meals served up to you during a long-haul flight? They are admittedly not the same as they were before. You can now travel back in time to the golden age of flying when airline food was actually first class. Continue reading »

KLM Airlines Transformed An Airplane Into An Apartment, And It’s Beautiful


By now, almost everyone has spent a bit of time browsing AirBNB. You may not always be able to get away and plan a holiday because it’s not the right time of year, or you have too much work, but just browsing the site can be a whole ton of fun. There are often many vibrant and creative spaces to choose from, and some are just so impressive, beautiful, and eclectic that we just have to share them with you. Continue reading »

Real Boeing 727 Airplane Converted In Authentic Hotel In Costa Rica


The Costa Verde hotel. It is a fully outfitted two bedroom, Boeing 727 suite in Costa Rica. Located within tropical rainforest, Hotel Costa Verde’s rather unusual fuselage suite consists of a refurbished vintage 1965 Boeing 727 airframe. The aircraft was part of South-Africa Air in her previous life. Sitting atop a 50-foot pedestal just beyond a majestic national park, the remodelled jumbo jet’s interior is entirely Costa Rican teak panelling with Indonesian teak furniture and also features a private entrance up a river rock. Continue reading »

Airplane Stroller

DIY airplane stroller for the future pilots. Continue reading »