apartments » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
apartments – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Frozen Apartments of Vorkuta”: Incredible Photos from The Heart of The Coldest City in All of Europe

Vorkuta (Nenets for “the abundance of bears”, “bear corner”) is a coal-mining town in the Komi Republic, Russia, situated just north of the Arctic Circle in the Pechora coal basin at the river Vorkuta. Vorkuta is the fourth largest city north of the Arctic Circle and the easternmost town in Europe. It is also the coldest city in all of Europe, boasting a record cold temperature of -52 degrees C (-61 degrees F). Continue reading »

Russian Drakula Sells His Weird Apartment

Drakula has not disappeared, he moved to Tula, Russia. Maybe he even lived with his granny. And now his apartment is offered for sale… Continue reading »

Japanese Artist’s Illustrations Dare You to Find Fantasy in Ordinary Tokyo Apartments

Behind the flashing lights and its constant bustling rhythm, Tokyo has an undeniable, almost mystic charm that takes a special talent to appreciate. One person who’s gifted with the ability to appreciate the day-to-day charms of Tokyo on another level is Japanese illustrator Akane Malbeni. Continue reading »

Hong Kong’s Human Battery Hens: Claustrophobic Images Show How Slum Families Squeeze Their Lives Into The Tiniest Apartments

A family of four tries to get on with everyday life despite living in a room where there is barely space to move in the urban slums of Hong Kong.

They are barely bigger than a toilet cubicle. Yet these depressingly cramped spaces serve as a kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom, pantry and everything in between for their cooped-up inhabitants. Continue reading »

Terrible And Bizarre Pictures Taken By Real Estate Agents

If the weather clears up later I might mow the pool.

What would your dream home look like? Would it be a rustic farm hidden deep in the woods or maybe a penthouse in Manhattan? Would the interior design be more traditional or perhaps a reflection of all the latest trends? While it is fun to think about the perfect house or flat, the reality of real estate listings is far harsher, and the choices are often really scarce. Thanks to a blog called Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos, we want to share with you how, ahem, creative some of the listings can get. Continue reading »

What Happens When Carpets Leave Apartments

Russian people love carpets. Especially in Soviet Union there was an obsession with carpets, practically every apartment had one, not always on the floor, often hanging on the wall as decoration as well. But not always they keep carpets inside. Here are examples of use of carpets outside. Continue reading »