completely » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
completely – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Transforms Photographs Into Completely Superb Different Images With Photoshop

Creative photo illustrations by Herri Susanto, talented self-taught retoucher, graphic designer and surrealist based in Bali, Indonesia. Herri sreate surreal worlds using Photoshop and his wild imagination. Continue reading »

A Completely Fascinating Collection Of Historical Photos

Prepare to be fascinated! Continue reading »

Back In Black: This Rare Indonesian Chicken Is Completely Black From Feathers To Bones

Ed Wray/Getty Images

Ayam Cemani is an uncommon and relatively modern breed of chicken from Indonesia. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (Fibromelanosis), making the chicken entirely black; including feathers, beak, and internal organs. Continue reading »

These Stunning Drone Photos Would Be Completely Illegal Now


Back in the day, before the authorities caught on to what was happening, photographers were free to fly their drones anywhere they pleased. There were no laws limiting how high they could fly, where they could fly, or when they could shoot photos and videos. Those were the glory days. And Amos Chapple made the most of them. Continue reading »

An Artist Has Completely Documented Her Two Years Of Travel By Painting In Moleskine Notebook


According to artist, Missy Dunaway: “For nine years I have painted in Moleskine journals with acrylic ink. Each page is a painting of a landscape or memory embellished with handwritten descriptions. I combined my two most recent journals into one book entitled ‘Standing in Asia’, ‘Looking at Europe’, ‘Thinking of New York’.” Continue reading »

16 Images That Perfectly Capture How Completely Nuts Modern Life Has Become


British illustrator John Holcroft’s work is a fascinating mixture of retro-style illustrations combined with satirical commentary on modern-day society. The focus of his pieces span a wide range, tackling everything from our obsession with social media and technology to media’s role in the rise of obesity, the influence of banks, and, of course, politics. Continue reading »

Gorgeous Surfboards and Skate Decks Completely Cloaked in Famous Classical Artworks


Surfing and skateboarding culture has gone classical in this beautiful collaboration. As a continuation of their period-themed boards, Boom-art has joined forces with the European surf company UWL to create 504, a series of surfboards and skate decks featuring the work of renowned artists Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606 – 1684) and Gustav Klimt (1862 – 1918). Continue reading »

A Chinese Craftsman Has Built An Electronic Wooden Car That Is Completely Drivable

AFP Photo

Lui Fulong is a 48 year old Chinese carpenter who designed this energy efficient electric car made out of wood. It runs on batteries and can travel up to 19 miles per hour (32 km/h). Continue reading »

Vladimir Franz – Completely Tattooed Czech Presidential Candidate

Vladimir Franz, a university teacher, painter and composer, announced that he is planning to run for President in the Czech Republic’s 2013 elections, Prague Daily Monitor reports. Franz stands out from other candidates — he has tattoos that cover his entire face and body, as well as a variety of piercings and a dye that makes his hair blue. Before he can compete in the elections, Franz must collect 50,000 signatures. Betting sites are not giving him good odds at present, but he is placing higher than some candidates. Continue reading »