furniture » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
furniture – Page 2 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Fabulous Tardis And Stormtrooper Themed Cat Furniture Made From Recycled Cardboard

Sure, your cat loves any cardboard box, but wouldn’t you rather see a Tardis in your home? Or the Taj Mahal? Or a medieval castle? Or a Maya pyramid? A Bulgarian family makes these elaborate constructions from recycle cardboard and sells them through their Etsy store CacaoPets. Continue reading »

Bench To Bedroom: Urban Furniture Turned Homeless Shelters

Whereas London and Montreal have installed spikes on the sidewalks to keep homeless people from getting too comfortable, Vancouver offers a kind welcome with benches that transform into mini-shelters. A nonprofit called RainCity Housing teamed up with Spring Advertising to create the modified public benches in order to provide a covered place to sleep while simultaneously raising awareness. Continue reading »

Meet TERRA, The Real Living Grass Furniture


If you combined Chia pets with Ikea furniture, you’d get Terra. Intended to be grown, not built, it’s billed as an easy addition to any nature lover’s garden or backyard. As the studio puts it – all they provide is the idea and some cardboard. Users simply assemble the laser-cut pieces, shovel dirt into the different sections, sprinkle seeds over the dirt, and let it grow. Give it a month or so and you’ll have a pretty nice place to kick back with a book. Continue reading »

Let This Fruit Slice Furniture Juice Up Your Outdoor Living Area


Take a good long look at your porch and patio and tell me what you see. More than likely it looks like everyone else’s porch or patio? You got some wicker furniture out there or maybe an oak picnic table painted red? I don’t have to tell you that it is boring and drab and it needs to be changed. If you are like me, you want to do something no one else in the neighborhood is doing. So we are going to go on a fruit decorating binge! Continue reading »

This Super Mario Cat Furniture Is Amazing


Lovers of cats and video games will love this Mario Cat Complex by Catastrophic Creations. The hollow complex with sisal-lined portals allows cats to jump through one end and ‘teleport’ out the other. The boxes are made out of birch wood, the question box is made with pet proof mesh and the entire complex can support up to 85 lbs of feline feistiness. Continue reading »

An Artist Creates Superb Steampunk Furniture Made From Real Metal Parts


“My name is Paul and I’m an artist with a technical background. I enjoy mixing art with technology giving life to new ideas, creating steampunk and industrial furniture, home decor and more.” Continue reading »

Trolling Items at the Popular Furniture Store


Popular IKEA furniture stores fell victim to the famous comedian Jeff Wysaski (previously). The guy made fake and funny reviews of many products and put them in the store. Let’s see his latest creations.
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Repurposed Wood Doors and Furniture Transformed into Geometric Faces on the Streets of Belgium

‘Elsewhere’ – recycled wood mural created by Belgian painter and sculpturor Stefaan De Croock aka Strook for Mechelen Muurt. The mural is placed on the side wall of an old furniture factory in Mechelen, Belgium. It’s made by piecing together discarded wooden planks, doors and furniture. The recycled wood surfaces are cut into precise geometric shapes and pieced together like a tangram puzzle, leaving the original paint and textures untouched. Continue reading »

Tetris Inspired Urban Furniture Turns Public Spaces Into Playgrounds

Open Code Urban Furniture – a construction set adaptive to the needs and wishes of different neighbourhoods. Instrumental in arranging a space for sharing (drawers installed). A series of open code urban furniture workshops are run in 4 Vilnius neighbourhoods in cooperation with the local residents. 4 furniture sets, 4 Vilnius neighbourhoods – and 4 different scenarios of use, to understand how public spaces and urban furniture work. The same basic set becomes different in each context. Continue reading »

Snap: Design Your Own Furniture

Our lives are continuously and rapidly changing. Today few things last forever. However, this shouldn’t be the case for your furniture. You can now enjoy your furniture for life without the need of buying and throwing away over and over again. Continue reading »

Rough Sketches Come to Life as Furniture by Daigo Fukawa

Usually it takes a long way for a sketch to be turned into an actual product. Japanese designer Daigo Fukawa just might change all that, however, with his series of furniture called “Rough Sketch Products” that look like they’ve just been transferred directly from his sketchbook to reality. The project was submitted as Fukuhawa’s senior thesis exhibition at Tokyo University of the Arts.

Made from cleverly arranged wire and photographed with a perfectly blank background, his various benches and chairs trick our perception of dimensions. Suddenly, 2D meets 3D, and the people sitting on these unique scribbled creations seem to be levitating in the air. It might not be the comfiest furniture out there, but it will definitely put a smile on your face.
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Mattia Bonetti Necklace Furniture

Swiss-born, Paris-based designer Mattia Bonetti once described himself as a ‘troublemaker turned traditionalist’. Working with his then partner Elisabeth Garouste, the pair carved out quite a name for themselves in the art/design market during the late 1970s to late 1990s with dazzling creations in a style sometimes condemned as ‘barbaric’.

Broken Pearl Necklace Desk (2010) Continue reading »

FurniBloom Furniture by Dagný Bjarnadóttir

Dagný Bjarnadóttir: “For me, good design usually grows out of a deep understanding of the subject and intuition – along with a feeling for the use of materials and aesthetics. Sometimes even psychology plays a part.”

Furnibloom: The main goal of the design is to combine stylish and simple furniture with multiple functionality. You can make it your own based on your taste and personal style. The furniture is well suited for growing flowers and herbs or for decorating purposes. Continue reading »

Furniture Design by Kenyon Yeh

Kenyon Yeh, a creative product and furniture designer based in London. Born in 1983, Studied Master of Arts in Design at Kingston University, London, under Colin Holden and Simon Hasan and graduated in 2009. He continues to produce his design project, including collaboration with manufacturers across Europe and Asia. Brings more diversity, potential and attitude to keep moving forward. Continue reading »

Furniture Designer Christian Vivanco

Christian Vivanco is an industrial designer specialized in concept-driven product design. He founded Christian Vivanco Design Studio and The Emotion Lab. For over 3 years he was senior designer at DesignCode and Hiroshi Tsunoda Design Studio, both established at Barcelona, Spain. Continue reading »

Marinemine – The Mine Furniture

The author of the mine-furniture design is Mati Karmin, one of the best-known sculptors of Estonia.

One of the most grandiose manifestations of the exploring line of Karmin’s work is the marine mine furniture project that began five years ago. Northern coast of Estonia and especially the islands, wich during the years of occupation were an almost inaccessible border zone for the common including heaps of corroded mine shells, wich are basically spheres with holes, spireks and shackles. Karmin got inspired by these mines and started to collect them. The ambiguity of large scale corroded mine shells intrigued the artist. The shape of the mine is perfest and uniform, while still clearly bearing the stamp of its intial destructive function. Being marked by its belonging to the past, it is closely connected to the complicated recent history that Karmin has always been facinated with. Continue reading »

Alberto Vieyra’s Cool Furniture

Omg. Polygon-inspired furniture by Alberto Vieyra.

Tetris Furniture

This furniture is based in the tetris game. Each piece is a part of the game and has a different function. By Diego Silverio.