inspirational » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
inspirational – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Uninspirational Posters For People Who Hate Inspirational Posters

You are bound to see the occasional motivational poster whenever you look through your Facebook or Instagram feed, but this account (previously) is for people who practically shudder at the sight of these uplifting quotes. However, for those who just can’t spend a day single without wasting money online, they’ve recently released Uninspirational 2021 Calendar. Continue reading »

Inspirational Portraits Of Working Women By The Photographer Chris Crisman

A truck driver, butcher and firefighter are some of the subjects in the latest project by the photographer Chris Crisman. This series portrays women at work and focuses on occupations traditionally seen as male dominated.

Photo by Chris Crisman/The Guardian
Firefighter Mindy Gabriel, from Upper Arlington, Ohio. Continue reading »

This Inspirational Girl Saved a Homeless Dog in the Most Ingenious Way


When Amanda Guarascio and her friend Dylan Parkinson heard about a lost and lonely dog which was living in the mountains near the town of Carbonado, Washington, they decided they would do whatever it takes to help bring it home.
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