korean » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
korean – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

South Korean Allustrator Soo Min Kim Creates Stunning Drawings On Starbucks Cups

South Korean illustrator Soo Min Kim invents a full an interesting life for the mermaid Sirena, the symbol of the world’s largest coffee shop chain. Continue reading »

Korean Illustrator Ram Han’s Alice In Wonderland Dreamscape

Ram Han’s candy-coloured illustrations depict a dreamscape straight out of Alice’s Wonderland, where nothing is quite what it seems. Continue reading »

Korean Illustrator Captures Love And Intimacy So Well That You Can Almost Feel It

Light touches, dreamy gazes and longing sighs… That’s what you’ll find in these intimate illustrations by Zipcy. Continue reading »

These Korean Bubble Face Masks Can Get Hilariously Out Of Control


There’s usually a bit of a learning curve with innovative beauty products. Nobody just arrives in the world knowing what to do with brow wigs, yellow blush, or whatever this intense hair extension contraption is. But sheet masks, which first emerged in the Asian beauty market, are old news by now. Unless you’re dealing with a runaway bubble mask that threatens to take over your entire face. Continue reading »

Korean Barista Creates Impressive Art On Your Coffee Foam

The very popular Korean barista Lee Kang Bin is a specialist of coffee art, creating real pieces of art on your coffee foam! In addition to his personal creations, delicate and detailed, he also enjoys paying tribute to pop culture or art history, from Bambi to Vincent van Gogh through Alice in Wonderland or Pikachu. Continue reading »

Meet METHOD-1: The Korean Manned Robot That Is Straight Out Of Avatar

With the METHOD-1 project, the Korean company Korea Future Technology wants to build a real manned robot, immediately making me think about the movie Avatar, or even Aliens and Gundam. The first images of this 4-meter tall robot are impressive, and you can see the METHOD-1 robot learning to walk, or his pilot controlling its arms. Continue reading »

Breathtaking Minimalist Tattoos By A Korean Artist


When it comes to tattoos, sometimes it’s just better to keep things simple. Continue reading »

Surreal Illustrations For Book Lovers By Korean Artist Jungho Lee


Jungho Lee is a Korean artist and illustrator based in Seoul. He creates surreal illustrations incorporating books into our everyday surroundings and is also in the process of working on his own picture book. He creates hand-drawn images that are then scanned and layered digitally, citing surrealists such as René Magritte as a major influence. Jungho Lee was recently named the overall professional winner of the World Illustration Awards 2016. Continue reading »

Evolution & Degeneration: Stunning Illustrations By The Young Korean Artist Abubu


Abubu is a talented illustrator from South Korea. He is very creative and has a great imagination. No information has been given to us about this artist. But his art is perfect. Continue reading »

Adorable Lambs At Korean Sheep Cafe Are Anything But Baaaaashful!


Animal lovers in Seoul, Korea have been flocking to the only cafe in the city that serves up coffee with a side of woolly companionship. Continue reading »

How North Korean Architects Envision the Future


At this year’s Venice Bienniale in Italy, the Korean pavilion has a curious exhibit called “Commissions for Utopia”. It includes renderings from North Korea’s top architects and artists (all anonymous), many of whom studied at the Paekho Institute of Architecture, North Korea’s state-run architectural college, and none of whom have ever left the country.

They were asked to create a vision of North Korea’s future sustainable architecture for its expanding tourism industry. Their final products are a glimpse into what it would be like to envision the future after being entirely cut off from the present for almost 70 years. (Photos by Nick Bonner/Kyle Vanhemert/Luigi Costantini/Venice Architecture Biennale/AP Photo) Continue reading »

South Korean Live Food Festival

Live octopus is a delicacy in South Korea but is a known choking hazard, since the still-moving suction cups can cause tentacle pieces to stick in a person’s throat. A baby octopus is often consumed whole, while larger varieties are cut up and the still-wriggling tentacles eaten with a splash of sesame oil.

A South Korean man and a woman eat a live octopus during an event to promote a local food festival in Seoul on September 12, 2013. (Photo by Jung Yeon-Je/AFP Photo) Continue reading »

Robot Guards will soon begin Patrolling South Korean Prisons

Robot guards with sensors to detect abnormal behaviour will soon begin patrolling South Korean prisons to ease the burden on their human counterparts. A group of scientists has developed the robot warders which can connect prisoners with officers through a remote conversation function. The robots – 1.5 metres (five feet) high and running on four wheels – will mostly be used at night. The robots’ sensors will enable them to detect abnormalities such as suicidal behaviour and violence and report it to officers in charge. (EPA/YONHAP)