loves » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
loves – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Artist Has Spent 5 Years Doodling The Things He Loves About His Wife

Love is a feeling that’s hard to define — so Andrew Hou found a charming way around having to define it.

The artist, who lives in Seoul, Korea, says he has never considered himself to be good with words, especially when it comes to expressing his feelings. That all became increasingly evident to him in 2010 when he was having a hard time communicating his feelings to his then-girlfriend (now wife!), Kate.

So he turned to what he knew best: art. Continue reading »

Just A Simple Guy Who Loves Wearing Fabulous Female Shoes

Women are not the only shoe lovers in the world. This man enjoys wearing high heels, sneakers, platform shoes, etc. I have no idea what shoe size he wears, but he seems to find all possible shoes that fit him. Look how happy he is on these pictures Continue reading »

This Dog Loves to Play Dress Up With Cardboard Cutouts


Semba is a woman with a very patient dog and a lot of creative ideas about how to play with her pup. Oddly, her dog, named Chihuahua-mametaro, seems to truly enjoy sticking his head in Semba’s cardboard creations. It’s a different kind of doggy dress up, but it sure is hard not to love it. Of course, when his whole body is hiding behind a giant piece of cardboard, it can be hard to tell how cute little Chihuahua-mametaro is outside of his “costumes,” so with that in mind, here’s the rolly-polly pooch totally in the nude. Continue reading »

Cat Loves Going Horse Back Riding On His Best Friend


Morris (the cat) and Champy (the horse) aren’t just best friends, they’re riding companions. For over 2 years, Morris and Champy, have created a bond that is truly unique. Continue reading »

Guy Proposes With Engagement Ring Made From Wisdom Tooth, And His Girlfriend Loves It


Lucas Unger and Carlee Leifkes are the first to admit they are not a “traditional” couple, and so it was only natural that Lucas would choose something a little out of the ordinary to propose to Carlee. He decided to use his wisdom tooth to make an engagement ring for his beloved now-fiancé. Continue reading »

Adorable Cat Loves Standing on Two Legs Like a Human


Meet George (aka George2Legs), an adorable cat who seems to think that two legs are better than four. He’s often seen standing like a human, trying to make himself taller by being on his hind quarters. Besides looking ridiculously cute as he stands like this, it actually gives him a better view of the nearby action, be it just over a counter or outside a window. Continue reading »

The Big Face Woody – Creating a Wood Watch Everyone Loves

Made from all natural bamboo, The Big Face Woody is lightweight, durable and eco-friendly. Finally, a wood watch you’ll love! Continue reading »