This Is What 7 Million Flowers In The Netherlands Look Like
Every year around mid-April, The Netherlands is transformed into a technicolor wonderland as millions of tulips bloom all at once. The Dutch are known for many things, but the tulip has become a worldwide phenomenon, and we set out to capture all the color. Continue reading »
Photos Of The New Colossal Futuristic Library In China With 1.2 Million Books
China recently opened a new futuristic library that contains a staggering 1.2 million books. If you enjoy architectural photography, Dutch photographer Ossip van Duivenbode‘s images of the library will be a feast for your eyes. Continue reading »
The First Dinosaur Tail Discovered Is Preserved In Amber, 99 Million Years Old And Covered In Feathers
A dinosaur tail with beautifully preserved feathers still attached to the bone has been found preserved in amber, and it’s one of the coolest things we’ve ever seen. It’s not the first time feathers have been found trapped in amber, but it is the first time that researchers have been able to definitively link them to a dinosaur. The discovery will provide invaluable insight into how dinosaurs’ feathers looked and evolved – something we’ve never been able to learn from fossils. Continue reading »
Fish Trapped Inside A Jellyfish Captured In A One In A Million Shot
A fish swims into a jellyfish. It sounds like the start of a joke, but believe it or not, a fish actually did swim into a jellyfish. Take a look at these pictures to see this bizarre and oddly beautiful spectacle for yourself. Continue reading »
Extremely Detailed Illustration Created With 7 Million Ink Dots!
Xavier Casalta, the France-based artist has made career out of creating highly-detailed illustrations of everything from food to calligraphic letters. Casalta’s latest piece, called Autumn, is a throwback to the bygone/upcoming season. Using a technique called stippling, the artist places several ink dots in various patterns to create lines, and textures until an exquisite illustration is formed. This one took 370 hours to create, with roughly seven million dots in all. Continue reading »
Absolutely Stunning Crocodile Photos, 65 Million Years In The Making
According to the majority of biologists, alligators and crocodiles are the least changed reptiles on the planet. Continue reading »
Over 90 Million Plastic Balls To Protect The City Of Los Angeles
Over 90 million plastic balls cover the Los Angeles Reservoir in the Sylmar area of Los Angeles Wednesday, back to August 12, 2015. The city has completed a program of covering open-air reservoirs with floating “shade balls” to protect water quality. Photos by Damian Dovarganes/AP Photo. Continue reading »
This Super-Yacht Will Run You a Cool $500 Million
It’s called the STAR. It’s not an extra terrestrial ship or Poseidon’s vacation boat or an iceberg. It’s a civilian vessel built for the .000001%. It costs $500 Million. It doesn’t fly or sink, just floats and get’s you from point A to B. Continue reading »
Richard Branson’s $70 Million Caribbean Mansion on Necker Island
Branson first became aware that some of the islands in the British Virgin Islands were for sale in 1979. In 1978 he went to the British Virgin Islands for a holiday in order to investigate the prospective real estate. On first observing the islands, he envisioned using them to put up rock stars for his record label. Upon arrival, they were given a luxury villa and travelled around islands for sale by helicopter. Continue reading »